PS series rotation


Hi all. I got the PS series during the vhs sale and have yet to use it. I'm hoping to do this rotation jan and feb. I'm hoping to get some feedback about using this series. I have read on the forums to use PS for 3 week and then a recovery week so that is what I tried to do. ALso I read the legs and abs tape can bulk up your legs. Is this true? Should I use less weights? Anyway here is my rotation. Any help is appreciated!!

week one
day 1 PS c/s/t
day 2 Imax 1
day 3 PS b/b/a
day 4 kpc
day 5 PS l/abs
day 6 off
day 7 Bryan Kest yoga series #1

week two
day 1 PS c/s/t
day 2 Imax 2
day 3 PS b/b/a
day 4 CK
day 5 PS legs and abs
day 6 off
day 7 Bryan Kest yoga series #2

week three
day 1 PS c/s/t/
day 2 RS
day 3 PS b/b/a
day 4 KIck Max ( getting with my gift card- very excited!!:))
day 5 PS legs and abs
day 6 off
day 7 Bryan Kest yoga series #3

week four
day 1 SB
day 2 HSTA
day 3 off
day 4 BC
day 5 KPC
day 6 off
day 7 Imax 2

and then all over again for Feb. What do you think? I've never done a series like PS, is it a good balance? Should I add some cardio from CTX on one of the upper body days? should I take 2 days off on week 4? Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks again, Deanie:)
Sometimes I do add 30 minutes of cardio to the upper body, but I wouldn't do it routinely (for me.) You don't want to wear yourself out too much or your strength building suffers a bit. Your rotation looks fine. You will be able to tell after week 1 how much cardio you may want to add on the UB days. PS is very well rounded and can be done as your main weight series for much of the time. I didn't think it bulked my legs but I never use those 50 pound barbells either.
If you're worried about bulking up your legs, you can do ALL exercises with little, or no weight at all...You'll still feel the burn and build muscle/endurance...Whenever I use a new series for the first time, I don't use any weight, just to get a feel for the rep speed and sequence of the moves (Cathe's pretty basic in her move for all vids)...If using NO weight, I would do legs 2x's per week, though...

I was thinking the same thing, since I used to do yoga and Pilates and had great definition. Then I read a post on the ask cathe forum that said Cathe got great definition and lean muscle by actually lifting heavy weights. So I'm going to try that. I also thought that by adding yoga once a week (its ashtanga yoga so its also aerobic) and the kick boxing it would help eliminate any bulk. I am very excited to try this rotation. I hope I get good results. Thanks, Deanie:)

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