PS Rotation Check-in


Good Morning PS'ers,
(DId that make any sense?:D)
Anyway, how did everyone's week go? Once again I really need to clean up on my eating.Sweets are such a down fall for me.
My week looked like this:
MOn:Rythimc Step and Ps back and Bicep
Tues:Step and Intervals and Power Circuit
Wed:10-10-10 and PS Legs
Thurs:Interval Max to #8 and PS c,s,t
Fri:powerstrike #3
Sat: I didn't do anything.By the time I ate dinner it was 8 and my hubby just got home so we spent some quality time.
Sun:Rythmic Step and Power HOur.

I figured I would catch up on what I was suppose to do yesterday.And since tomorrow changes I will be Kickboxing so there won't be any back and biceps tomorrow morning.
I used a heavier weight this week with squats and I was sore for two days after.I just found Power Hour fairly diffcult to.It usually is but I was really pushing myself today.
When I was doing the dishes earlier I decided to throw out all of the sweets we got for christmas.Except for the ones that I knew my husband would eat.NOw, I am off to the grocery store to stock up on veggies and friut for this week.
I also found a good recipe in muslce and fitness hers this month.It is 1 Cup of MIlk and 1/2 c oats,Put in Microwave for 3 min,stir in sweetener, and raisins or fruit of choice.It is really filling.I had it for breakfast at around 9:30 and I am still not hungry.Besides for that I couldn't even eat it all.
How was everyone elses week?
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-12-03 AT 02:15PM (Est)[/font][p]Hello, Fellow PSer here! Congratulations Lori! We made it through another week!

I had good results this week.. down 2 lbs and several inches. I was feeling pretty good until CardioKicks...for whatever reason I was fried after that. Took Saturday off and am feeling fried again after doing PH this morning. Must be the culmination of the full week. I'm feeling a cross between :7 and :-tired. I bought my fruits and veggies yesterday so I am planning nothing except laundry and watching movies for today.

As for new find are Bakers breakfast cookies[]. They are very filling and tasty! Since doing this rotation, I've been waking up starving and need a little something before I get going. A 1/2 cookie works perfectly and then I can have the other 1/2 on the way in to work.

This morning though, I was craving an omelette big time after doing PH so I had a one egg broccoli, onion & cheese omelette. DH was giving me "the look" because I never eat eggs. Guess I'm craving protein or something.

Looking ahead, I cringed to see Cardiokicks sched. for Monday...PS Mill 3 arrived yesterday though so I think I'll do a substitution. It looks pretty good from my preview.

On to the workout.. Here was my week:

Mon: CTX Power Circuit Cardio - morning
PS BBA evening Candlelight Yoga late evening
Tues: Step Jam combo 1 + funky cooldown, stretch, abs
Wed: PS SLA evening
Thurs: 1/2 hr 9801 hi-lo + 1/2 hr Sleek Physique cardio+cool down - morning
PS CST evening
Fri: CardioKicks
Sat: Rest
Sun: IMAX warmup segment + Power Hour

Looking forward to next week and hope everyone else hung in there too! :):)

~~ Sharon ~~
Well, I made it thru this week also. This is how my week went:

Mon.- Power Max, plus PS BBA.
Tues: IMAX
Weds: PSL&A
Thurs: All Step, plus PS CST
Friday: Cardio Kicks
Sat: Power Circuit, plus PH.

I was cooked after all of that. I was glad to take a rest day today. I weigh in on Monday's, so we will see how it goes tomorrow. Good Luck everyone this week.
Hey there!

Mind if I join you. I'm looking to post but all the check-ins seem so specialized (weight loss check in, total body blast). Since I"m not trying to lose weight and sadly DONT have the new tapes I'd like to join this. Perhaps I'll even get PS - someone offered to sell it to me! I really want to buy the new tapes but just cant financially now

SO I'm finishing week 3 of a S&H ctx rotation

Sun - rest
Mon - leg and shoulder
Tues - S&H rest (not planned just not feeling great)
Weds - S&H Back and chest - Step inverval
Thurs - S&H Bicep and tricep - All STep
Fri - Lean leg
Sat - Circuit max

I've been REALLY working hard on getting my 5 fruit and veggies - I'm consistently at 4. THis will be the week. Been good on protien. Those are my 2 problem areas.

I lost my job a little over a week ok - so I'm taking this time to REALLY focus on my health eating good stuff - working out etc. TOday I did imax! it always get me! Lori, I"m going to do power hour this week thanks for the reminder!!

Have a great week all
Your more then welcome to join us.We have decided to try the Ps Rotation and needed to chat about it through our journey.But if you need somewhere to checkin this would be the place.

Congrats on your weightloss and inches.Good for you.How has your eating been going? Do you have much weight to lose?Like I said I really need to clean up on my eating.I did pretty good today but my sister and I shared a piece of chessecake for dessert tonight.Chessecake is my weakness.

It is good to hear from you.We made it through another week.I am not sure how much more intense the next two weeks are.I have to look and see.I don't think we do any extra it is just in a different order ,isn't it?I never realized that it would go by so fast.We are 1/3 of the way there.Next week we will be half way:p

I couldn't wait any longer for the Intensity Series DVD's to come out so I went ahead and ordered the VHS.They probably won't be here until the early part of next week.Hopefully I won't be to tempted to do them instead of what I am suppose to be doing:D.
Good luck with the week to follow and wish me luck with this awful nagging sweet tooth.I think I may go to the dentist and get it pulled out,it is one tooth that I don't need :7
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-12-03 AT 10:21PM (Est)[/font][p]Good job LoriSax and welcome to Robyn! Maybe we can make this the 'people who feel the need to check-in' check-in :):) That's the case with me a bit of accountability.

Hey Lori,

I have a sweet tooth that needs pulling too! Maybe the dentist will give us a discount.

I do have a significant amount of weight to lose. I'm doing WW in combo with Cathe and it seems to be working well for me. I had gained weight over the holidays and initially joined this to get a jumpstart on blasting away some lbs. Now I'm really enjoying how my strength and endurance is improving!

I can't believe we're on week 3 either! I have a feeling you may need to try out those Intensity tapes. That's okay if you do -- you can still check in here and it'll be like having our own private reviewer.

Off to tuck in the kiddies. Night, night!

~~ Sharon ~~
Imax 2 will easily fit into this rotation.Maybe I will be able to find somewhere to put Cardio and Weights, and Boot Camp.I can't even explain to you how excited I get when I order new videos.I am like a kid at christmas.But you probably know, everyone gets bored from the same videos day after day.
I haven't done Body MAx or Circuit Max in about 3 weeks now.I find that when I go with out doing a video for a little while,I really enjoy it when I do it b/c I forget some of the moves.
Anyway,have a good week and hopefully I will be a good girl this week.You know what, I will be a good girl this week:D
Okay my fellow PS'ers I missed last weeks check-in I came down with the flu (actually the whole family b/f and son included) so last week was a bust and I was so ashamed at not getting off my rump that I didn't check-in for this week either. But I'm here to say now that I'm feeling better and ready to start over and get back on track. It's no wonder we all got the sick the temperature here (GA) keeps fluctuating like its nobody's business. Good to see everyone one else is on track and doing well.


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