PS Rotation check-in


Here we go, lets get started.
I have to catch up on my Z's.Besides for that the week went pretty good.
Monday:Rythmic Step and Ps back and Bic
Tuesday:All step (didn't do the actually 60 min)
Wed-skipped to Thursday
Thursday: IMax and Ps Legs
Friday: Powerstrike 3 and PS Chest....
Saturday: All Step and Powerhour

Even though I worked some of my upper body on Friday, I didn't want to skip it yesterday.I wasn't really sore and I didn't want to skip doing things this early in the game.I don't mind moving it up a day but I didn't want to take it out altogether.
I found PowerHour very challenging yesterday.The only thing that I left out were some of the lunges.My legs were a bit sore from Ps legs and Kickboxing.I pushed myself on everything else and upped some of my weights.I did all of the push ups , full bodied.That was the first time I ever did that.It's awful how sometimes you don't do things just b/c you don't want to, not b/c you can't.My bicpes were really burning to.
My eating habits weren't to bad.There are somethings that I probably need to get use to turning down.
But when I got up today I felt very sick.I don't feel well at all.I hope I am not catching a bug.
Anyway,all in all I had a good week.How was everyone elses?
Hi Lori:

I started my rotation on Sunday. Started feeling sick on Wed and was out for the count on Friday. So I missed Cardio Kicks and Power Hr this week. I'll give it another try this week.

I was definitely challenged. I've had the PS series for a while but had never used them so I really enjoyed this especially PS SLA. My legs have definitely gotten stronger in the past several months as I could never have gotten through all the squats and lunges without my knees aching. A funny story.. I was feeling so powerful that I upped my barbell to 40lbs for the sitting squat. I got through the squats but then had to call hubby to help me up. I couldn't raise the barbell over my head. Luckily he was home!! Oh yeah..

Here's what I did:

Sun - IMAX + PS BBA A little overenthusiastic.
Mon - 15 min Happy Hr Hi-Lo + 30 min WATP 3mi Can you guess why :)
Tues - Rhythmic Step
Wed - PS SLA
Thurs - Still Stepping
Fri - Beyond Basic Yoga
Sat - 30 min RS + PS CST

Have a great week everyone!

~~ Sharon ~~
BRAVO!! You did great I never do 60 min of cardio the most I do is 20-30.I love the ps series.I just finished up my week with ctx series my week went like this
sun-power hour/15 min buns of steel
mon-5 min. buns of steel inner thighs/abs in the morn
intense moves and 10 min. yoga in eve.
tues-5min buns of steel glute /abs/ctx chest in the morn.
kick box -20 min./ctx bicep (because I got behind a day doing power hour on sun)/yoga 10 min.eve.
wed-abs/half of leaner legs/ morn
imax1 23 min tae bo 13 min /ctx tricep /yoga 10 min.
thurs-abs/ctx shoulders morn.
boot camp /yoga10 min. eve.
fri-abs /lower part of pyrmid lower
ctx back/yoga eve.
sat-abs and waist work
sun-muscle endurance
so my plan for the rest of the week will follow
the new series.
congrats.on the push ups
I had a wonderful week feel very energetic for the new week I
had a sore throat last week but I kept going and it is gone.
can you imagine how much stronger we will be after the last 2 weeks of the rotation? Lifting ,I'm gonna feel like Hulk Hogan.Or how he use to feel, he's get'in up there now...
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-03 AT 12:56PM (Est)[/font][p]Yeah Lori,

I'm feeling pretty buff already... I'm assuming all those pumped up muscles is why I only lost 1/2 lb this week. I'm still doing girly pushups but that is way ahead of where I started. At first I could only do 5 of those at a time. Hey, thats a good goal for 2003.

Next week will be the test -- I'm back to work full time. I'm going to try to be in bed by 9P each night -- I'll just have to see hubby next week.. Priorities...ya know?? ;-)

I think its interesting that we all had sore throat/colds last week... maybe its PS shock ??

Shelia you had a busy week as well! I'm jealous that you have the new series...but I think this rotation will get me primed to jump right into things once those DVDs are in my hot little hands.

~~ Sharon ~~
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-03 AT 03:54PM (Est)[/font][p]Well, I missed PH This week, but I made it thru the rest. My cold is still here, but I feel better than I did at the beginning of the week. Here was my week:

Mon: Power Max, plus PS BBA
Tues: Step Works
Weds: SICK
Thurs: SICK
Friday: CTX Power Circuit, plus PS SL&A
Sat: CTX All Step, plus PS CST
Sunday: Cardio Kicks

So, tomorrow I am back to day 1!.
Lori S.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-03 AT 06:04PM (Est)[/font][p]Hey PSers. My week looked like:

Mon-Rhythmic Step/PS Legs & Abs/30 min treadmill walk
Wed-Step Max/PS CST
Thurs-Power Max/PS BBA
Fri-Intense Moves
Sat-Power Hour

I haven't done PH in a while and I believe I may have injured something!! My right scapular area is KILLING me today and I can barely lift my arm. My left side is OK, so that's why I'm thinking it's an injury. Hope not. I'm taking Motrin and hoping it'll be better by Wed. for PS CST.

LoriSax and waterbabie, I'm glad to see you guys are feeling better.

Lorihart, congrats on the push-ups. They kill my wrists and I usually just watch Cathe and the gang do them.:p

SHEILA!!! You're killing me talking about the new vids. I can't wait to get my grubby hands on BootCamp.

Have a great week, everyone.

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