PS Question


Active Member
Hi Cathe (or anyone else!),

I'm sure you and everyone else have answered this question a million times, but now I'M asking! :)

I finally got brave enough and did PS Legs last night after having it for over a year! I know, I know...

Anyway, I loved it! I probably used half the weight you did in the video, but...

I saw you posted the rotation alternating the PS tapes 1x week with cardio days 3x wk. I love kickboxing!

My question is, have many people found that this rotation helped with inch loss? Specifically hips and thighs? I know everyone is different, but I am looking for a general consensus. I guess I would like about a 10 lb. weight loss also but don't really focus on the scale as much as inches!!

Thanks for any suggestions, sorry to be so long winded! I guess it's still the endorphins from PS Legs! :)
I agree, I like to measure my improvements rather than weigh them. I find it to be more accurate.

I personally found that adding kickboxing to my rotation really targeted my hamstrings and gave them nice definition. Hamstrings seem to be a muscle group that lack in exercise variety. So, in my opinion, the combination of PS Legs and kickboxing with be a perfect compliment to one another for a varied and well rounded leg workout.

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