PS question - wrong body parts have DOMS?


Hello, educated crowd!

I'm in the fifth week of my first PS rotation and I am really enjoying it. I'm definately seeing some nice strength gains and putting on some good upper body muscle.

I'm puzzled, though, that I often find the "complementary" part of my body sore after a particular workout. For instance, after doing CST, I'll have sore upper lats the next day, or after BBA some soreness in the shoulders. I can only guess that there is something wrong with my form that's causing this, or is this to some degree normal? They aren't NEARLY as sore as the target areas, but just enough to let me think that they must have been "assisting".

Has anyone else experienced this? In the meantime, I just put either a cardio or leg day between the two upper body tapes. I don't THINK it's interfering with my progress, but if I'm doing something wrong, or something that might invite injury, I'd like to know!

None of your muscles work in complete isolation. Other muscle groups assist the primary ones that you are concentrating on.
Hi Sophie! Jane is right. You will always have some kind of "secondary" assistance from other muscles. If your able to squeeze in a leg or cardio day between the tapes that is icing on the cake. Talk about absolute full recovery, ;-)!
Thanks so much for replying, Jane and Cathe.

I just needed reassurance that I wasn't doing something potentially injurious (is that a word) and that I could continue as planned.

I would have found it hard to believe that I could actually be using wrong form, with all the form pointers, reminders and tips you give on the videos! I should mention that although I'm lifting heavier weights now than I did when I used a gym, I have never hurt myself using your tapes and don't even have problems with tendinitis like I used to, and I believe that's due to your careful instruction and impeccable form.

Thanks again for your wonderful work, and I hope you have an enjoyable and satisfying time filming your new videos! :-jumpy


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