PS Question-HELP!


I have been trying to do one of the upper body PS tapes during the week and then the other one on Sat. I also do the PS legs on Sunday. Well, with mine and my daughters hectic schedule during the week I have not been able to do one during the week. So I was wondering if it would be okay to do the upper body workouts 1 on Sat and the other Sun with legs also on Sun? I will still try and fit one in during the week but if I can't I still want to do the workout and the only choice may be to do them on consecutive days.

time crunch with PS

Susan, I have also been known to do both upper body tapes in one day. If I do BBA first, I can do CST no problem but if I do CST first I am a little more tired for BBA. You can do them back-to-back in one long session or do one in the am and one in the pm. It probably isn't ideal but when is life ideal, LOL?? :)
Hi susan p

Thanks for your input. It is so hard to try and meet my needs and my families needs during the week. I think I will try and work 1 upper body on Sat and then the other on Sun. and the leg tape.

Whew!!!! Iam tired already.
Use MIS upper body

My solution to this is to do the upper body from MIS when I can't fit in two upper body workouts that week. I also will sometimes tack on the standing portion of PS legs to get a total body workout. Of course, this won't work if you don't have MIS, but it's well worth getting. You could also use the upper body portion of Body Max if you have that tape, but I like MIS better for this purpose.
Hi Jane

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Mar-24-00 AT 05:43PM (EST)</font></center>

Thanks Jane. I do have MIS and I never thought about doing that. I guess I was only focused on the PS tapes. I will give it a try.

Thanks again,
what bpm's do you use in your classes???

Cathe... What bpm's do you use in your classes. I am an instructor and it seems the bpm's are getting faster and faster... I would love your opinion on this. Thanks Jennifer

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