PS modification


I just have to say: Thank god it's Friday! I think I hate working and I'm starting to live for the weekends. Anyway, weekends mean more time for Cathe and that's great! Since I'm still new to Cathe I've been reluctant to make any modifications to my Pure Strength workouts, because I figure I'm not "educated" enough at this point. But two months into PS I've made my first modification: As a time saver, I'm eliminating the floor inner thigh work on SLA. It's a lengthy segment, and my argument is that the plie squats work my inner thighs well enough. I am NOT eliminating the outer thigh floor work. But I'm nervous about taking it upon myself to make a change to Cathe's well-planned workouts. What do the educated folk think? Thanks.
Hi Nancy,

Someone asked Cathe this very question a looong time ago. Cathe said it wasn't necessary to do the floorwork, that it's just icing on the cake. I wouldn't feel guilty about leaving them out. I know when I go heavy on plie squats, I really feel it in my inner thighs. I do think that floorwork isolates smaller muscles. Keep in mind, this is just my VERYHO!:)

Hi Nancy and Happy Friday! Alas...I too live for the weekends.

I would say don't worry too much about leaving that part out. I do the exact same thing. I did that inner thigh floor work for the first few weeks and just hated it! It's a very uncomfortable position IMO, and I feel like i'm too worried about my discomfort that I don't get much out of it anyway. Finally I said, if I hate it so much, why do it? Glad to hear I'm not the only one - I think we'll do just fine without it.
Hi Nancy!

A few years ago, I used to work out in the mornings to a TV fitness show TSN Caribbean Workout. This was, of course, BC (Before Cathe).

Anyways, one day while doing inner and outer thigh floor work, the instructor, Dave Sniveley, advised not to bother doing much of these. The inner and outer thighs are relatively minor muscles so don't spend too much time on them, he said.

I think about what he said every time I do PS floor work -- but I still do 'em. Anything lying down can't be all bad!

Have a great weekend, Nancy!

I really hate the floorwork on SLA. I don't find Cathe's weight tapes to be 'grueling' or tedious like some people except for that floorwork section. I feel like I should be done after the standing leg work so the floorwork seems like such a chore. And there are endless reps of the same exercise. It just doesn't keep my interest.
I rarely do the PS floorwork - I hate floorwork and would rather spend my workout time doing something I like.
You guys are priceless! Thank you so much for your responses. I kinda thought it might not be so bad to lose the inner thigh floorwork, but it's great to have several fellow exercisers confirm it. You're right, it is a bit dull! :D
And as for the weekends, like Cathe says about the breaks: "They go so fast!"

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