PS DVD Question for Thursday


No, it's not about WHEN, either ;-).

I was wondering which, if any, of the PS tape covers you are going to use for the DVD cover, or if you have a completely different cover in mind.

I know, silly question, but I was putting PS SLA the other morning after doing the floorwork section (after having done Leaner Legs, which is a great combo!), and you and your high kick on the cover of SLA got me wondering about what the DVD might look like.

Hope you're having a good week, Cathe!
Hi Kimberly! We actually had a limited selection to pick from (for technical reasons). I approved about 5 selections and sent them off (action shot, still shot, and previous PS VHS cover shots). They will select the one that best works with the copy, logo etc.

Have a nice weekend ;-)!
RE: How far along are we?

The authoring is now done and the next step is for the replicator to verify the integrity of the DLT tapes. Once this is done a glass master has to be made and check disc sent to us to make sure everything is okay. As long as everything is alright, we will then proceed with replication of the DVDs.
I know you want to know how long, but with DVD 9’s it is hard to predict. However, the good news is -- it should not be more than a few weeks! Once we have the check disc back and make sure everything is okay, we will then be able to give you an idea of when the PS DVD will ship. :)

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