Protein Shakes.......


Hey All!

Has anyone tried CytoPlex protein shake by Cytodyne? If not, what is your favorite protein shake?


Kali :)
Hi Kali,

I haven't heard of that one. We use Designer Whey Protein (Strawberry Flavor) with milk in the morning. I am super fussy and think it is wonderful tasting!

Hi Kali! Its a very personal taste but I use Dave Draper's Bomber Blend or ProBlend55 and I've recently purchased Grow! Low Carb. This one is very much like drinking a cake batter if you like that kind of consistency. ProBlend55 will give you the most protein 55g. I use this one for when I'm doing my cutting up diet. Best, Kathy:D
GeniSoy Regular flavor (25 g Non-GMO Soy Protein) plus a little Genisoy Chocolate or Vanilla (14g protein) is my fave.
i used to always get Myoplex Deluxe but recently the guy at GNC turned me onto a new protein drink called ANSI. it has 55 grams of protein in it and mixed with skim milk, its absolutely wonderful! it also doesn't have any aspertame like Myoplex does.
For a dose of protein after working out, I like Body Tech's Whey Tech (have only tried it in vanilla) and I bought Pro Blend 55 which is supposed to be good, but I haven't tried it yet.

For a quick meal on the go, I really like Keto Shake (Chocolate Fudge, Chocolate Peanut Butter and Egg Nog are good, don't care for some of the fruity flavors although Strawberry and Orange aren't too bad) and Spirutein (Vanilla, Chocolate, Cookies & Cream!).

I know a lot of people often add fruit to their protein powders. I was one of them, but I found I actually gained weight and felt bloated when I added a banana, berries or whatever to my morning shake. After further research I learned that protein shakes that are higher protein/lower carb are specially formulated that way and you can disrupt the balance/digestion by adding fruit since it can be high in sugar and carbs. You are defeating the purpose. It's best to eat fruit alone, give at least an hour before and an hour after eating fruit in order to avoid digestive problems like gas, bloating, etc.

Sorry I got off the topic, but just wanted to share that in case anyone was interested.

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