
Hi Everyone,
I'm wondering I've read some post about some of you guys on the Body for life program and also the protein shake supplements and some of you have actually gained weight taking these supplements.I am so confused I recently started drinking the Myoplex Lite about 2 a day in between my regular meals.My ? is do you think that I will gain weight using this product because I heard protein shakes were good for you if you were athletic which I am and I lift heavy weights with Cathe's PS series which I do 2X a week each upper body tape,legs only 1x.So please set me straight Should I continue or stop the shake.I have not seen any weight loss or gain,but frankly I don't want to wait to see a gain before I quit.SORRY FOR BEING SO LONG
Protein Shakes

Hi Marisol, Keep in mind that unless you are substituting the protein shakes for other food you would normally eat, then you are ADDING about 400 extra calories to your diet everyday. So it really depends on how you're using them.
protein shakes

Hi Marsiol! Protein shakes can make you gain weight. However, I use a whey protein powder and I make up my own shake. I only use them once a day and only when I'm weight training. You load up on carbs when you're doing cardio. I've seen results. I've gotten more cut and am leaner that I used to be. You should probably take an egg protein powder as this stays in your system longer than the whey. Don't take them 2x a day. Only once a day and only when your weight lifting. One recipe I have is: 2 c. honey dew, 1 banana, 2 frozen strawberries, 1 scoop of protein powder, 1/2 c. soy milk, 2 T. almonds and 1 T. coconut. Blend all ingredients. Another one is: 1 package of Carnation Instant Breakfast, 1 c. FF milk, 1 banana, 1 T. peanut butter and 1 scoop of protein powder. Blend all ingredients and enjoy! Kathy

Hi Kathy,
Those recipe idea's sound great, what about using a Soya Protien, I use SoyOne, I think they are lower in fat as well.

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Apr-04-00 AT 09:22PM (EST)</font></center>

Thank you I'll be sure to try the recipes also I guess I will have to watch my progress on the scale for a little bit.

Hi Sabrina! Haven't heard of this before. It sounds great because of the soy. How many grams of protein per each scoop? This does sound better than the one I'm taking. Where did you buy it? Take care, Kathy

Hi Marisol! Don't weigh yourself according to the scale. Please throw it away or have someone hide it for you. I would much rather you discover changes in your body by the way your clothes are fitting you. This way your not a slave to the scale and setting yourself up for disappointment and frustration. Take care, Kathy
Soy Protien

You can get your SoyOne or other Soy Protien from any Health food store, this paticular one has Spirulina and flax in it as well. Only has 18 grams of protien per scoop, but you can add a little more. Here are the Ingredients in this one:
Soy Protein, Fructose, Spirulina, High Lignan Flax Seed Fibre, Cranberry Extract, Bromelain and Natural Chocolate Flavour. I add frozen strawberries, sometimes blueberries.
You're right

Thanks Kathy,
I had a problem in the past(like yesterday) with obssesing with the numbers on the scale.My body is showing more definition and more muscle tone however the #'s are still the same.So thank you sometimes you just need that extra confirmation to do what's right.
myoplex shakes

It is my understanding that if you want to loose weight you use the myoplex lite shakes. These are designed to use as a substitute for a good nutritious meal and not to add to one. They have other shakes for adding muscle and such but the lite is for loosing weight.
Myoplex Lite Shakes

Hi Marisol,

The Myoplex Lite shakes are only 190 calories is you only use water and don't add anything to them. I was drinking two shakes a day and didn't gain any weight (and was also taking the BetaGen and the Phen Free). The shakes are a meal substitute so as long as you use them as a meal replacement you should be fine.

I really like the Myoplex Lite shakes. They are really tasty and have converted two of my friends to use these instead of what they were using.

Protein Shakes

Thanks for the information. I am also considering drinking protein shakes because I want to see more muscle definition.

I read where you drink one shake a day and only on the days I weight train. Does it matter when I drink the shake (before or after) my workout.


Hi Lorrayne,
I have just received the BFL book. Are you following his eating plan? If so I have a ? for you.

I know he does not give exact measurements of what to eat, and I am a little insecure on mesuring food by hand size etc. Do you measure your food or just goes by what he says. I am afraid I might overestimate a serving.

I second that...

protein shakes can make you gain. I've gained lean muscle and a bit of fat when I used them. Now, I'm slimming down and I don't use them as much, only for a meal replacement. So be very careful!
Food portions

Hi 2workout,

I was following his portion sizes by eyeballing what I thought would fit in my palm or the size of a cleched fist. A sample dinner would be a piece of grilled chicken breast, a large spoonful (a spoon that's used for serving food) of rice, and a small bowl of salad. I'm not sure if this helps but it was probably about right.

Hope this helps.

Portion sizes

Thanks alot for the information. I am just starting his program and felt insecure about the portion sizes. I know when I am hungry, portion sizes get bigger:0) I wish he could have given his portion sizes in exact measures, for ex 1/2 cup = a portion of rice. I will see how it goes.

Wish me luck

protein after workout

Always drink them after your workout because that is when the protein will be used to rebuild the muscle that you broke down during weight lifting. I have heard that you need it 30 minutes after a weight-training workout. I have also heard that you should not consume more than about 20 grams of protein at a time because that is the max amount that the body can process at once to be used towards muscle building. The excess protein (above 20 grams) will be broken down into carbohydrates.

Thanks a lot for the info. I have read where many of you have seen progress from heavy lifting and protein. Wish me luck, I am hoping for more definition in my muscles.

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