protein shakes v.s women


Hi Everyone,
I was wondering what everyone's thinks about protein shakes? I just purchased some protein powder at a health food store.The guy that sold it to me, told me to take only one scoop a day (two is suggested).So the scoop plus the milk adds up to be about 200 cals.Which is not to bad I guess considering that I nibble more then 200 cals a day.
But while I am drinking this I can't help but think that I may put on weight that I don't want.I build muscle very easily. All of the fitness mags that I buy always talk about protein shakes and powders.
They are also quite tasty and may be sweet enough to cure my sweet tooth.They taste like milk shakes.Plus I don't think that I eat enough meat anyway.
I guess my question is anyone had any bad experiences with protein shakes....or any good ones. I paid $70 for the stuff so either way I have to drink cashier that was there was telling me that she takes the same stuff that I bought and she was actually quit slim.Anyway any input on the subject would be great.
Thanks in advance..
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-11-02 AT 09:03AM (Est)[/font][p] Hi Lori!I hear you on all the hype with protein powders in fitness magazines!I believe that the post workout shake is the most important meal that you have!You replenish and restore your body!Protein should be used wisely because too much of it is bad for you and can cause liver problems(i'll attach some websites for more info!) (if they don't come through I'll email you more info!)Also, If you're not eating the right foods where protein is found then just make a shake for a snack or a meal replacement!You want it for nutritonal value,maintain weight and also to create lean muscle--proper protein intake will do that for you!By the way what flavor did you get? I have some kicking recipes-especially for the sweet tooth---Take care ~Your friend in fitness~~Francine
I got vanilla flavor.I bought the expensive one because it desolves better.I add one cup of milk and a couple of strawberries and it taste pretty good.
Last night after I ate the shake I wasn't hungry the rest of the evening.Which was great because we went out for pizza and I didn't want anything.
I started drinking them after my work out but I ran early today so I may keep the shake for a evening sanck.Thanks for all the info..
Hi Lori,

I like using protein powders. They are filling and are great if you don't get a lot of protein otherwise. I like to mix it with oat bran or oatmeal (with splenda, cinnamon, kiwi, and milk). It is very filling and I don't get full easily! Or I just mix one scoop with 8 oz. milk.
I don't think you will gain weight because the shakes are so filling. Just watch your total calories to make sure you aren't going over.
What flavor did you get? EAS delicious chocolate has a lot of flavor and tastes like chocolate milk when mixed, but I got Designer Whey in French Vanilla and found it to be bland. I have to add cinnamon to my shake to make it taste better.
Anyhow, Just my 2 cents!
Hi everyone,
I bought Pro RX.It is by Pro Performance.It was a little cheaper then the orginal one that he showed me.It was $10 cheaper.But it was buy one for $79 and get two for $95.I thought I better stick with one bottle and go with the cheaper one.
I bought vanilla.It mixes quite well.I didn't have one today because I just got home from my mom's house and she had a big turkey dinner made.I am still full.
Also at the health food store they had a weighing machine outside.Of course I was the only one stupid enough to get on.I found the piece of paper later on ,at the bottom of my purse.I had it so mushed up that I was lucky I found it at all.Those machines must be rigged...just for the simple fact that I am sure they end up selling products by telling women that they are heavier then what they are.
Anyway...have a nice day
I just bought Met-Rx Protein plus at price club for less than $20.00 for 10. I have it as a meal replacement and it fills me up and doesn't taste that bad. I only do it for lunch a few days a wk. I was wondering myself about the powders. It seems espensive, how long do they last? (I guess depends on the size), but for a regular size?
What are your opinions about using the powder for breakfast with fruit and maybe some wheat germ and bar for lunch (290cals w/ 4gr fat) and then a dinner (for example 3 oz lean meat and 3 svgs veg's 2 svgs rice or pasta or potato and 2 svg fat (butter/oil)
Does anyone use these bars and powders that way? To me it's so easy and you don't have to think about it. I really like the bar and it fills me up right away.
I had the protein shake the other day for my dinner with a salad.It does fill you up pretty good.It is also great for when you are on the run.the bottle I bought is huge.And I only need one scoop a day so it will last me forever.
I do have a recipe for a shake with protein powder.It was pretty good but I enjoy the powder better when it is mixed with milk.It seems more like a milk shake so I think that I am being a bad girl when I am not lol.I think it was 1 cup water,2 spoon fulls protein powder, 3 starwberries and a table spoon flax seed oil.It was tasty.
Anyway, have a good day,
Sorry, the recipe is 1 cup raspberries
2tbs powder
1cup water
1 tbs flax seed oil.
And you blend it in a blender.I usually add 3 strawberries to a normal shake with milk.
I love to use EAS shakes for my smoothie. I add 1 scoop of the powder, 2 tbsp of flex seed, and 1/2 frozen banana.
has anyone tried the gnc brand of soy protein?i got the vanilla one and i will have to get used to it. is there any better tasting ones?
Hi, smiley2!

I just wanted to mention that when I went to GNC recently to get some protein powder, the salesman said that soy protein is "inferior to whey protein". I just wanted to share that--I don't know how much stock I put into what salesmen say there--they get a commission, I think. :)

Anyway, it was enough to get me to buy a whey protein powder (I'm so easy!), but it will be interesting to research soy vs. whey.

I love, love, love Spirutein protein shakes! I mix a scoop up with a cup of soy milk everyday when I finish working out. I have found it mixes very easily. I think the vanilla is the best, but they have tons of other flavors. I have tried a lot of other protein powders and I think this is by far the best. JMHO :9
I second this!!! I have tried several kinds and Spirutein makes me feel like I am drinking a milkshake! I especially enjoy the Cookies n'Cream
I also love the Spirutein shakes. I use the vanill and mix it with rice, soy or almond milk and sometimes add oj to it. Then I add either frozen peaches, strawberries, pineapple, mangos ect. Finally I add a Tbspoon of Flax oil and blend until smooth. It is so delicious and it's a good way to add your fruit and flax in too.

Re; Soy vs whey protein.
1) Prior to around 1985, scientists didn't believe that soy was a complete protein. Then they realized that the rats they used to test for complete proteins need more of a certain amino acid than humans do (and which is not high enough in soy). Since then, they did tests to compensate for this, and discovered that soy is 99% complete. Maybe the salesman is working on this old info?
2) I remember several years ago, one women's fitness magazine promoted a protein powder made from soy protein, stating that soy protein was better FOR WOMEN than whey or other proteins.

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