Protein Powder

I know of gals who drink a protein shake every day but I don't think it's a must as long as you are eating enough protein in your foods...others would know better than I though...
I have a shake everyday after my workout, ONLY because I've been eating veggie more and more...Just wanting to make sure I cover all the bases...I usually have a protein (legume/whole grain) meal only in the evening, so I use it as a filler mid-morning...Not only that, but it's nice to have an icy "shake" after a workout!

MJ in MN
Hi Helene,

Like so many response cliches: that depends on several factors.

Are you following a particular eating lifestyle?

What are your fitness goals? Are you working out, lifting weights?

For me, I am following BFFM and there is a ballpark percentage of my daily intake that comes from protein. If I can't get enough protein, for example, if I am at work and I don't happen to have chicken in my pocket, then a protein drink (preferably powder) fits the bill.

For me, I know that my fitness regime is pretty intense lately, often leaving me with DOMS especially after a weighted workout. So, I always have a protein powder drink (with a banana or strawberries mixed in)following my workout to aide in muscle repair and healing.


Thanks to all,

what is BFFM?

I eat a mix of vegetarian and chicken diet.

Some days I don't have meat all day. Other days, I will have chicken for supper.

I rely on peanut butter, cheeses, yogourt or beans for protein.

So that's why I was worry I was not getting enough protein.

My workout schecule is:

45 min. of walking every day.
2 full body weight training a week.
1 to 3 step workouts.
Sometimes I had yogo or pilates.
Salut, Hélène!
First THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for NOT calling yourself a vegetarian! (It annoys the (@# out of me when fish/chicken eaters do that). You found the perfect way to describe your diet.

BFFM is "BUrn the fat, feed the muscle" a book that available to purchase and download online.

>I rely on peanut butter, cheeses, yogourt or beans for
>So that's why I was worry I was not getting enough protein.

You could increase your protein without having a protein powder by adding some tempeh, tofu, seitan, quinoa, lentils to your diet.
Cheese is not really a good protein source, because it is also one of the highest sources of saturated fat (the artery clogging kind).

Your workout schedule doesn't look like you need a lot of protein: it's heavy on cardio, which is fueled by carbs (as is your brain!).
Thanks for the quick reply.

Good idea to add some tofu. I can't with tempeh. Don't like it. Love lentils. I did not know they were a good source of protein.

Also, it's hard to give up cheese. I love it so much. It's a treat everyday. I only eat 1 ounce.

You are SO RIGHT about people calling themselves vegetarian when they eat fish or chicken on the occasion. Real hardcore vegetarians don't eat meat at all.

I know that I could live on the vegetarian diet but I find it too hard to get my proteins without chicken or fish.

So, for now, I will stay away from the protein powder.
My DH was the cook at a summer camp and he had a list for vegetarian staff. It said: I'm a Vegetarian, but I also eat... and then had a checklist for Beef, Chicken, Fish, Pork etc. That list, and those who checked meats off on it, cracked me up. Almost all who signed up checked something off.

I could never give up cheese. What would be the point of a life without cheese?? :)

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