Problems with PowerStrike with Ilaria Montagnani DVD?


I just purchased this kickbox dvd and it's great for a beginner like me. It seems to me that the dvd isn't chaptered correctly (if at all), so it's difficult to determine where the workouts actually begin (vs. the warm up, etc). There doesn't seem to be a top menu to choose the chapters.

Has anyone else noticed this? Is it typical for other Powerstrike dvds, or is it just me?

I have all 4 of the Powerstrike Millennium workouts, and unfortunately, that is just the way they tape their workouts. There is no chaptering, I usually just start the video or dvd, and just fast forward to where I want to start. There isn't much of a choice. But I do love the workouts.

I only have PS 1&2 which are only available on VHS but I LOVE THEM-they are more advanced than 3&4, from what I hear since I don't own 3 or 4 for that reason. 1 & 2 are more advanced and I would highly advise to get these while you can if you love a kickbox w/o. I am drenched in sweat when I am done, even more so than KPC. PS1 is my favorite b/c it does more leg work but PS2 is awesome also. The quality of the VHS isn't the best but is easy to get past when they deliver such a great w/o. I had posted information on how to order 1&2, you have mail them a check after sending a e-mail, do a search for Powerstrike 1 &2 & you should be able to find the information! If not, I'd be happy to e-mail to you.
The Powerstrike DVD's are chaptered, it's just that the chapters aren't presented on a menu. If you start the workout and 'chapter forward' on your remote, you'll get to different places in the workout. I haven't checked out M4 specifically, but M3 has a chapter point at the beginning of the warm-up, I think there is also one after the warm-up (but I do the workouts 'as-is,' so I usually don't bother with the chapters).
thank u for the info! i did PS1 on wed and loved it. i do think its more intense than kpc. i understand form more after her explanation of the different arm movements and watching her do it. i like the kick,touch the floor kick.i plan on doing it today if my headache goes away.otherwise lowmax since its no jumping. her accent is similar to my friend at work from Spain.

I just checked out my PSM4 DVD, and it does have strange 'chapter' points. They seem equally spaced (almost 5 minutes appart), but don't correspond to any logical place on the workout. I think they used some kind of program that automatically inserts points, without taking into account how useful they would be.

I love Powerstrike workouts, but I wish they would get their caca together production wise. First, it was the horrendous camera work (in pre-milleniums, but also in M3), now it's the lack of usable chapter points.

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