I'm experiencing issues when creating premixes using the bonus core 1 and bonus core 2 downloads for Xtrain.
Both downloads import into the Workout Blender and show chapters.
If I create a premix that begins with or only contains chapters from these workouts, the workout blender freezes at 80% and the video never gets created.
If I create a premix that uses chapters from other workouts and includes a chapter from the bonus core workouts, the premix is created but it skips over and does not include the bonus core chapters.
Any ideas?
Both downloads import into the Workout Blender and show chapters.
If I create a premix that begins with or only contains chapters from these workouts, the workout blender freezes at 80% and the video never gets created.
If I create a premix that uses chapters from other workouts and includes a chapter from the bonus core workouts, the premix is created but it skips over and does not include the bonus core chapters.
Any ideas?