Problem with premixes?



I got these yesterday. I decided to do the Upper Body premix and it would not go there. After the warm up, it went to legs and core...?? Finally, I was able to get it to go to what I thought was upper body, but only got biceps and core...

Anyone else having problems with going to a specific premix?
I did Shoulders, Triceps and Chest today and there was only 1 chest exercise??? Felt like this premix was incorrectly labeled...

I got these yesterday. I decided to do the Upper Body premix and it would not go there. After the warm up, it went to legs and core...?? Finally, I was able to get it to go to what I thought was upper body, but only got biceps and core...

Anyone else having problems with going to a specific premix?
Hi Fox2star, after the warm-up, the Upper Body premix goes to "Legs & Shoulders" as it should, not "Legs & Core". Boss Bands uses a lot of compound exercises, so upper body exercises are also often mixed with lower body exercises as the focus of Boss Bands is functional fitness.
I did Shoulders, Triceps and Chest today and there was only 1 chest exercise??? Felt like this premix was incorrectly labeled...
Hi RoxySam, there are actually two exercises in the "Chest" section of this premix (push-ups and crossover push-ups). You have to remember though that this boss Band workout is different from a dumbbell or barbell pure strength workout. Boss Bands focus is on functional training, so you have to think of your workout differently than when doing a pure dumbbell/barbell strength routine. Though there are only two "official chest exercises" you will work your chest along with other muscles in many of the other compound functional exercises in this workout.

Boss resistance bands offer unique benefits you don’t get when you use dumbbells exclusively. With dumbbells, you’re dependent upon gravity to create resistance and the motions you do with the weights are in a vertical plane. With Boss Bands, the cloth bands provide resistance that’s independent of gravity. This means you can use them to generate tension in various planes to target muscles in different ways. This enhances your functional fitness too since you’re working your body in a variety of planes other than just vertical.

I got these yesterday. I decided to do the Upper Body premix and it would not go there. After the warm up, it went to legs and core...?? Finally, I was able to get it to go to what I thought was upper body, but only got biceps and core...

Anyone else having problems with going to a specific premix?

I just did the upper premix and although it started with a lunge sequence and a single leg deadlift sequence, it played all the upper body focused exercises.

I really didn't feel upper body with the lunge and deadlift exercises may have been doing them wrong because I felt it mostly in my glutes. But I got a great upper body workout from the rest of the exercises :cool:
I just did this one but eliminated the first lungs/deadlift sequence. I made my own in the blender. Really enjoyed this one but I had to pause a few times to get the band correct. I'm not use to using these long bands so I wanted to make sure I got the positioning right. When I previewed this, I was afraid that there wasn't going to be enough shoulder variations. But since I did not preview the warm up, I found that my shoulders were already slightly tired (& biceps) by the end of the warm up. So I feel I got a very thorough upper body workout.
I agree's a good upper workout!
It's definitely one you grow with and make harder as you learn the band you need and what hand placement works best for you

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