problem raising heartrate


Hi Cathe and anyone else who can help!
I have trouble getting my cardio into my target hr range of between 152-166 or so.

I'm 30 yrs. old and am in good shape, and have been exercising since I was born. But even doing interval max and the like doesn't seem to get my heart rate up enough, even if I feel like I am working hard.

I am trying to take my athletic performance to a higher level, and don't know how other than to increase the intensity of my workouts (since I don't have time to work out more than 2 hrs a day 5-6 days a week).

I am wondering whether it's normal to have such a low heart rate (of around 150) during intense workouts. When I'm exercising moderately, my HR usually stays around 120-130.

Any advice is MOST appreciated.



Hello. I am an aerobic instructor and can offer you a little bit of help. To get your heart rate where you want it to be, you would have to train between 80% and 85% to reach your maximal target training zone. Based on calculations using the Karvonen formula, which is widely used in heart rate monitoring at your age of 30, a heart rate of 150 doing an intense workout is almost right on the 80% mark. You are working well within your level. To take on newer heights, you will have to increase the number of cycles performed in your intervals. A three minute work ratio and a one minute rest interval is recommended. Cross training is another very effective way to increase your maximal training zone in that it includes a wide variety of training modalities with different intensity levels and using different muscle groups. At any rate, you are presently training very well! Keep up the good work!

heart rate

First, I would determine what your resting heart rate is. Take it for a minute first thing in the morning (if you woke up to an alarm clock you need to lie still for about 10 minutes). Take this for three days and average the numbers. Your resting heart rate is used in the Karvonen Formula.

The Karvonen Formula is 220 - age - resting heart rate. Take that number x your percentage rate (55% - 85%) and add back in your resting heart rate. That gives you your training zone.

Now, another item you may want to consider is what you maximum heart rate really is. I just did a VO2 max test last week. I am 30 years old and mine was 186. But, an aerobics instructor who is in peak shape in her 30's took the test right after me and her max heart rate was 171. She just happens to have a lower maximum heart rate than normal. So, working at 165 is very high for her. You may be one of those who has a lower heart rate on average. You probably have a very low resting heart rate. I say, if you feel like on a perceived exertion scale you are working at a 9 or 10 but your heartrate is only 160 - that may just be where your max is. By the way, there was also a 30 year old male who did the VO2 max test and his max heart rate was like 238 so there are people who cannot follow normal heart rate charts.
Perceived Exertion vs Heart Rate

For years now I haven't taken a heart rate while exercising. I strictly use perceived exertion. Why? I guess I would rather base my workouts on how I feel when Iam working out rather than on where my heart rate is. Because when I was doing a heart rate I would feel like I was dying (couldn't talk without gasping for air) but my heart rate was at the lower to middle end of my heart rate zone. So I figured since I felt like I was working hard then I was and getting the benefits from exercising. So I quit taking a heart rate.
"Perceived Exertion vs. Heart Rate"

I couldn't agree with you more Susan. You know what your capabilities and limits are and exactly how much you can push yourself. I always let my body do the talking. If I feel as though I am reaching my max, I tone it down. Everyone is different. I know alot of people who don't even bother with given heart rate formulas, and like yourself just go by perceived exertion. It is certainly always great to challenge yourself to higher levels, but not to degree of heart attack!

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