Does anyone know if we can print the list of our 1 rep max? I could copy it over by hand but was hoping for a quicker solution. Thanks!
I just did and it's quite easy...
All you have to do is go to MyCatheSpace and you'll see you 1RM results in the bottom right corner.
Move your mouse pointer on the top row right next to Exercise # then click and drag all the way down so all your 1RM results are highlighted (make sure you include the weight in the last row). You will see the little scroll bar on the right move as you go down.
Once you highlight all exercises + weights right-click to copy.
Open Excel and go to the first cell. Highlight it and Paste.
All exercises are copied in columns: Exercise #, Name, RM
If you know your way around Excel, you can sort the exercises by number or name without messing up the corresponding RM for each exercise.
I went to MyCatheSpace and could not find a list of my 1RM anywhere!