Hello Cathletes!
Yesterday as I was getting ready to workout in the evening, my hand brushed across the top of my knees and I noticed that the right one had a round squishy swollen spot right on the kneecap
. It doesn't hurt. It is about as round as a quarter and filled with fluid. I can't figure out how I got this. I "Dr. Googled" it and came up with prepatellar bursitis. I don't kneel a lot (really only during workouts on a mat), but yesterday I did kneel on the hard tile floor to pick something up from under my desk. I don't know if that triggered it or not? I have been doing squats and lunges and leg presses for over 25 years and have never had knee pain or anything resembling this micro-water-balloon on my knee. Right now, I have no pain at all and no problem with range of motion. Has anyone else had something like this? Did it go away on it's own? I don't know if I'll be able to do any kneeling floorwork (like pizza presses)??? I would love to get some feedback on this.
PS I'd rather not have a doctor go mucking about my knee if at all possible
Yesterday as I was getting ready to workout in the evening, my hand brushed across the top of my knees and I noticed that the right one had a round squishy swollen spot right on the kneecap
PS I'd rather not have a doctor go mucking about my knee if at all possible