Prepare to gag... my Bichon became a man-dog today!


OMG! So, I was sitting on the couch this eve watching Eat Pray Love for the 3rd time enjoying my healthy pasta when my Bichon walked in and dropped something on the rug in front of me - which I THOUGHT was an old toy he had found in the yard.

Upon closer inspection I had discovered MUCH to my disgust and dismay the upper half of a dismembered squirrel!! OMG again!! The lower half was totallly digested by another creature- I HOPE!! The dog's furry white chin had some blood on it- probably, HOPEFULLY from carrying it inside! I realize this is a 'normal' dog instinct... but GROSS!!!!!!

I nearly threw up... seriously. He's a Bichon... not exactly bright and definitely NOT a predatory creature. Why couldn't he have brought me some flowers as a sacraficial offering instead of a half-eaten squirrel?? And of coursse my rug had just been cleaned 2 weeks ago...

This is seriously disturbing! Needless to say, I have totally lost my appetite as has my darling son. Gag, gag, gag!!!!

I have a lovely little maltese and I call myself her mommy. I hate how our wonderful little doggie children regularly remind us in gross ways how they really are dogs and not our babies!:confused::p
I thought you were going to say he did something totally different. :confused: I have to say, I'm glad I was wrong. :D

HI, I have a coton de tulear which is in the Bichon family. I know he would love to eat a bunny or a squirrel but he sticks to cat poop at the moment. My friend has a coton & he brought home a dead baby rabbit for her.
No matter what they do we love them!!!
Yikes! I'm sorry you were left to clean it up :eek:

We had a golden retriever when I was in high school and I'll never forget the time she brought home a rabbit that was torn apart and really stringy and was tossing it up in the air w/ her mouth and running around catching it. Thankfully my Dad got clean up duty on that one after I ran, horrified into the house.
Reminds me when I lived in the city and let my cats be indoor/outdoor cats. Sometimes they'd catch pigeons and bring them in.. sometimes very bloody ones. one time the one cat tried to bring a dead pigeon up into the bed when I was sleeping, like a surprise gift. uhhh no thanks, lol. they were strays before I brought them in so I guess they never grew out of their hunting.

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