Prenatal Check In -- 5/16/04


Hi mommies! Christy, please stop in and let us know how you are doing. I hope all is uneventful for the moment. I’ve been thinking of you and your sweet baby.

Diana, love the color of your nursery!! :) We worked on the paint this weekend... it is a softer yellow now... funny thing is that it looks like the exact color of my daughter’s nursey. I tried to find a color a little different, but I guess our eyes like that particular yellow. DH started the hardwood and should be finished next weekend. Then, we just move in and load the room.

Jacque congratulations on the little girl!!! Lots and lots of fun shopping ahead for you! What names are you considering? Disneyland sounds so fun... I can’t wait until we take our kids. I am sure you got in plenty of walking, and you’ll get back into your workouts when the time is right for you.

Stacey, I hope all is well with you.

Well, here is my week:
Sunday: Off
Monday: MIS
Tuesday: NYC Ballet Workout (skipped supine & prone sections)
Wednesday: Prenatal Yoga
Thursday: Body Max (skipped section 2 for the sake of my knees)
Friday: Walking
Saturday: Off

I am hoping that I can hit a higher intensity this week. My tailbone is REALLY bothering me. I crushed it when I was 10 or 11, and it causes me grief with pregnancies... especially when I have been on my feet all day at work. My right knee is also bothering me. I had a prenatal visit today and all is well. I can’t believe there are only 8 more "textbook" weeks to go. Woo Hoo!

Take care ladies!

EDD (LMP) 07-19-04
EDD (U/S) 07-15-04
Hi Autumn,
Thanks for checking in on me. :) No workouts to report as I am on light duty per doctor's orders. Things are about the same as last week - feeling a few contractions and kind of crampy. I'm not really worried about it though. Just taking it easy, for the most part. My sister's and I hosted a graduation party for my mom from nursing school on Saturday and then on Sunday I had my baby shower. Now that I'm back to my regular routine there is less time on my feet, which seems to help w/ the contractions and pelvis pressure. After next week's doctor's appointment, I hope to get back to my regular workouts and activities -- I'll be 36 weeks along then...

I hope your tailbone gets to feeling better! Can you believe it is only a matter of weeks until your little one arrives? :)

I'm hoping all you ladies are doing well and had a good week!
Autumn - I'm sorry to hear about your tailbone and knee. Take care of your aches and pains now so later your body bounces back. I'm trying to take my own advice. My feet are getting worse. I ordered some shoes that I hope will help. It's starting to interfere with my workouts and even just walking. And it's making me really crabby! The weeks seem to be flying by. I can't believe it's already the last week of May.

Sun-Cardio Kicks (modified some moves)
Tue-PS Chest/Shoulders/Triceps & 30 mins low impact cardio
Wed-PS Back/Biceps/Abs (modified abs)
Thu-35 min walk a.m. / 60mins pre-natal yoga p.m.
Fri-PS Legs & Abs (modified abs)
Sat-Donnamite low impact cardio

I took another 30 min walk this past week but can't remember the day! It was either Monday or Wednesday afternoon.

Have a good week, ladies!
EDD 8/11/04
Hi Christy! I am glad you visited us this week... you don't need workouts to report... just check in and let us know how you and baby are doing! :) Glad to hear you are off your feet and that helps with the contractions and pelvic pressure. I can't believe you will be 36 weeks!! How exciting!

I am going to see a chiropractor about my tailbone... my massage therapist recommended her... she works with prenatals. No popping and cracking though... she uses an "activator". I'll see how it goes. Thanks for the well wishes.

Oh, I can't believe it is a matter of weeks. By ultrasound, I'll be 33 weeks tomorrow. I've seen lots of 36 and 37 weekers. :)

Take care! And take it easy!
Thanks Diana! Yes, listen to your wise words... don't push yourself! :) You definitely don't want to injure yourself. I completely identify with being crabby when I can't workout. Just listen to your body... you are doing great with your workouts.

Take care!
Hello everyone!

I am new to these boards, new to Cathe, and newly pregnant (with my second). It is so nice to find and exercise board for pregnant women. Most of the other boards won't answer my questions - I think that they are afraid of lawsuits.x( Have the rest of you gotten good advice here?

I did my first Cathe today. I did supersets. I am in love!!! That is such a great workout. The time just flew by.

I am interested in knowing about dangerous exercises. I know about the talk test, and not laying on your back after the first trimester. Is there anything else that I am missing?
Welcome Allison!! I have found a wealth of information, SUPPORT, and INSPIRATION here!

I just posted some information under the "Anyone using a heart rate monitor?" thread that may answer some of your questions. If you are like me, as soon as one is answered I have another. :) Your questions are welcome here!

Hope to see you at the check ins!

Thanks Autumn! What a warm welcome! I will be sure to check the heart rate monitor thread.

I did MCB (firm) today. I don't have the basic step DVD yet and I don't think that I am quite ready for IMAX2. I will be doing cardio & weights tomorrow. I can't wait.

Have a wonderful day!:D

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