

I'm fairly new to the website and read in many posts about "premixes" to be used on Cathe's dvd's.

I just purchased a few of these dvd's this week, and am wondering if someone would kindly explain what premixes are...and how I access them on the dvd's.

premixes can be found on the main menu.They consist of the workout being presented in a different way.Bootcamp for example-you can do it as is or the premixes-cardio only-upper only-lower only-core only-cardio and upper only-cardio and lower only and a bonus premix combinding muscle endurance and bootcamp.The ones that have two workouts usually have workouts that combined the two somehow and each workout will have it's own premix like I described above with bootcamp.Muscle endurance which is on that dvd has it's own premixes also-upper only-lower only and leg press mania etc..I use the premixes more than the workout as formatted.

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