Premixes Skip????


I recently bought IMAX 2/C&W and it's my favorite 2 workouts! But, the premixes skip so much I can't even play them. Does anyone else have this problem? I emailed SNM and they said it was normal and it depended on my DVD player?????? #!@#$!!!
Personally, I don't think it matters what DVD player you use, the premixes shouldn't skip so badly, that they're useless. See if you can try another player (another one in your house, or a neighbor's) to see if the problem still exists. If so, e-mail SNM again and insist on a replacement!

If only the premixes skip and nothing else, then the problem is more than likely with the players firmware.Premixes will not work on every player perfectly. A premix is just a small compter program that tells your players laser what to play next. If the normal program plays okay and only the premix has a problem, then you know the problem is with the player. About 3% of players will have trouble playing premixes.
I had the same problem - I had a cheap DVD player in my workout room that I bought from Walmart. When I would try to play the premixes only one specific segment would appear no matter which one I selected. The one I had was a cheap DVD player I bought from Walmart. I then tried it on the Sony DVD player in my living room and everything worked fine-so I just switched the two. So, I am guessing that it is probably your DVD player. I suggest trying it out on another player - if you don't have one try someone elses-and see if that helps.

Good Luck, Wendy:)
I think I will try it on another player...but I just did the regular C&W workout, not a premix, and it was skipping pretty badly too. Not a scratch on it either, only watched a few times. I'll give it a shot and see what happens...thanks for the info!

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