Premix Hardcore, different workouts


I know that there won't be premixes that mix up the different workouts this time, as they are all on separate DVD's. Excepting the Hardcore Extreme, of course. I would be interested in DVD's that offer other premixes including bits of all the workouts, of varying lengths and intensity. I like to vary my workouts, and have cardio and weights balanced.

Thanks, Anne
I like this suggestion also. I am new to Cathe's DVD's and most of the one's I purchased right away were the ones that offered lots of options.
Great idea. I love the premixes where different workouts are combined. What a great idea for the Hardcore series!:)
ITA. I would love a 'Timesaver' DVD that puts shorter cardio section with weights and/or abs into a 5 day split. :)

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