Pregnant with # 2!!


Hi! This is my first post here, but I've been lurking around reading everything for a few weeks now "in preparation". I just found out today that I'm pregnant again! I can't beleive it since this was our FIRST try. I'm hoping to do things differently with this pregnancy. With my first pregnancy I gained 50 pounds even though I continued to exercise. Well, actually I didn't do much the first 3 months because I felt so lousy. By the 4th month I was feeling much better and decided to try a pregnancy video, but I felt so dorky while doing it and it was too easy. I went back to my Firms (hadn't discovered Cathe yet!) and just modified them as needed. I have an 18 month old so my workout time is 5:30 a.m. before he wakes up. I hope to continue with that even if I start having morning sickness again. Even if I just do some light yoga, it's better than nothing, right? Anyway, I look forward to the next several months and am glad I found this forum for support!

And congratulations! Remember that no matter what you do for exercise, you're already doing better than the majority of the US population! So you're waaaaayyyyyy ahead of the game! :)
RE: Welcome!

Congratulations on your pregnancy! This is a wonderful place full of great people, motivation and information.

Hello & Congratulations! Glad you de-lurked.

I agree that yoga would be better than nothing. I think it is just good mentally. It helps you feel more healthy and keeps the eating on track!

Hi JBsMommy!

Congratulations on your great news - I know you will get plenty of support on these forums!


Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.
Congratulations! What is your due date? I'm with you on exercising more this time pregnant! Anything is better than nothing. Some days all I get in is a short walk, but I feel so good for doing it!

Welcome aboard!

Michelle (due 4/3)
Michelle: I haven't been to see my OB yet, but according to my due date is June 18th! As far as exercise goes, so far so good. The morning sickness hasn't really hit yet so aside from feeling a little breathless at times, I have been able to Firm and Cathe with just a few modifications. I got up at 5:30 every morning this week to workout except today! I just could not drag myself out of bed for some reason. I took my son for a walk though, so I guess that counts a little!

Congratulations on your pregnancy as well!

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