I havent felt movement yet. i had one bubble two days ago but i ate a slad and i think it made me gassy. i havent felt anything yet but hope to soon!
ok i will look for the three lines - are the boy ones obvious?? I assume they are, but ive never seen ultrasounds before or paid much attention until i got preggers.
maybe i can send u my ultrasound and u cant tell me lol
Not wearing maternity yet - but i have the pants unbottoned today. i need to start shopping for dressy ones so i can be comfy at work.
Candra thanks for the advice on the crib. i think i'll sell both i have for cheap, but i dont have luck selling. i jus twant to make back the money i spent on this one..and get one i like. i just hate shopping online with no actual model to look at...
Someone mentioned they have a Jenny Lind stlye - but i forget who> can you give me your thoughts on it - like sturdy, rickety, etc? Thanks!
YEs kate post those pics. im dying to see your nursery it sounds adorable!
my mom just emailed and said she was at babies r us and saw a mom and daugther shopping and felt upset because she is missing out on my pregnancy and wathcing me grow and shopping due to me in fl and her in ct

I felt the same way when i bwas at BRUS the other nite. Sigh...