Pregnancy workout video - looks good

I am going to give it a try. It dosn't sound like the usuual crappy pregnancy videos. Thanks for the link. I will let everyone know what I think of it.
Hi Juliemom,
Thank you so much for the info on these videos. I got both of them, and am doing the perfect pregnancy one, and love it. I wasn't expecting to like it so much. (I will do the post pregnancy one after my baby is born).
Thanks again.:)
Yeah, I'm glad you like it. That makes another reason I will buy it once I've conceived #2! Thanks for your input!
IF you don't mind me asking, how much did the videos cost? Also, do they not offer DVD?

Hi Tricia,
Unfortunately they are only in vhs form and they don't offer them in dvd form. The price is $19.99 for each (pregnancy or post) or $34.99 for both.
For anyone who has purchased this video, does it meet ACOG's current recommendations? I noticed that the website states "the ACOG offers these general guidelines for exercise during pregnancy: After 20 weeks of pregnancy, avoid doing any exercises on your back." This is not the current recommendation released by ACOG in 2002, so I just wondered if the site had not been updated or if she is using some (maybe all) the old recommendations i.e., heart rate not exceeding 140. Of course, I know some OB/Gyns who still follow the old recommendations or mix the new and old. Even some of the Prenatal Fitness websites seem to use a combo of the old and new recommendations. Just curious if anyone knows before I recommend it to a client/patient (the docs I collaborate with follow ACOG guidelines, so when I represent them I try to do the same). Thanks in advance!
As you know the new ACOG's guidlines are more relaxed about exercising than the old one.
This workout follows the new guideline very well.
Thank you so much for responding. Yes, the guidelines are more relaxed with the exception of abdomnial work. The 2002 opinion still states that pregnant women should avoid the supine postion "as much as possible". Thanks again!


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