Pregnancy Check In -- 5/9/04

christy g


Well, my week totally stunk. It was a super busy week at work and I ended up working a lot of overtime. So, my workouts (and sleep) were affected. The good thing is that I finished up the project I have been working on, so, I feel much better about going on maternity leave...whenever that will be. ;)

Wednesday - Tone It Up
Saturday - Shape It Up

I know I will do better this week - I'll have more time! Towards the end of last week I was getting so cranky from not working out.

Hope everyone is having a good day!
I'm lonely! ;) Is there anyone else who is pregnant out there and worked out last week?

Well, just wanted to let you all know that I will not be able to report any workouts for the next few weeks. I had a doctor's appointment today and the babies heart rate was in the 170's - which is not normal for this baby. My doctor had me spend an hour on the fetal monitor and they noticed I was having a lot of contractions. They then did an exam and my cervix seems ok, for now, but, as a precaution they said no exercise and whenever possible to sit or lay down. bummer. The contractions make me feel crampy - like I have when I am on my period. They want to make sure I stop having these contractions for at least another two more weeks - At that point I will be 36 weeks along. Hopefully this turns out to be nothing...

Hope you are all doing well!
Christy, I can't let you feel lonely! ;-) You take it easy!!!! I will be thinking of you/baby/daddy and keeping you all in my prayers! I am definitley hoping this is nothing. Had you noticed the contractions before? Well, please rest, rest, rest... left side is best! You have plenty of time for workouts. :)

I treated last week as a recovery/rest week... so it isn't very intense.

Sunday: Off
Monday: Walking
Tuesday: NYC Ballet Workout (skipped supine & prone sections)
Wednesday: Prenatal Yoga (felt really good)
Thursday: 8-5 on my feet for Mammovan pre-screenings
Friday: NYC Ballet Workout repeat
Saturday: Off

Christy, thanks for the information on the Slim Series. I plan to tackle it the last few weeks of pregnancy.

Diana, I hope you are feeling better. Did you love your massage???? I have one scheduled Friday. I can’t wait.

I hope you all are having fun decorating the nursery. We... okay... Sydney and DH painted this weekend... I had respiratory stuff to battle. It is a little brighter yellow than I want, so we will be toning it down next weekend. :) Sydney picked the wall color too... yellow is her favorite color (it was also the color or her nursery... oh well!).

Take care everyone! Christy, keep us updated… I will be thinking of you!
Hi ladies-
Christy, I'll be thinking of you and hope all goes well. Rest, rest, rest! Keep us posted.

My week was light last week, a lot of older videos as I was trying still to get my energy levels back up after the head cold. It worked because I have a lot more energy this week and I'm doing Cathe's videos again. My cardio workouts are still very low impact, but I feel good after and that's been my gauge all along. Also, keeping it low saves my feet which are still bothering me.

I can't log what I did on which days because I can't remember, but I remember doing Body Tech, Aerostep, Simply Endurance, Kathy Smith Buns&Thighs, low impact floor aerobics, pre-natal Yoga (on Thursday) and I mixed in Fit For 2's toning & ab work somewhere.

Autumn - we painted our nursery pale yellow, too! And yes, I had the massage on Saturday and it was great. I have a weekly appointment with the therapist until she has her baby. I recommend pre-natal massage, especially to those who feel the muscles stresses and aches more than they usually do. It's very relaxing.

Have a good week!
EDD 8/11/04
Hi everyone,

Christy, take care of yourself and that baby. Don't worry about the workouts, there will be plenty of time for those later. I don't think a couple of weeks will make a difference in your fitness or weight gain. I know they do help with keeping your sanity though :) Maybe that's why I've been feeling so insane lately, not enough workouts, they've been hit and miss lately.

Autumn and Diana - you've really been inspiring me with your workouts. I'm determined to be more motivated. I'm going to do CTX Step & Intervals as soon as I'm done typing this. These last couple of weeks have been hard because I've been out of town alot. My husband and I went to Disneyland 2 weeks ago (and yes I did ride all the rides) then we took the kids to an Arizona Diamondbacks game last weekend. By the way, did anyone catch Randy Johnson's perfect game last night? It was awesome!

Stacey where are you? I've been thinking about you a lot lately. How are things going with your business? I can understand a little of what you're going through. My husband and I own our own business also and it can be really stressful at times. Check in and let us know how you are.

OK, here's the exciting news! I had my ultrasound on Saturday and it's a GIRL!!!!!! I'm so excited! I have two boys already so I was hoping for a girl since this one will be my last.

Take care everyone.
EDD 10/4/04
Hi ladies!

Jacque - Congratulations! I'm so excited to hear that you are having a girl! Yeah! It will be so much fun playing dress up with all those cute outfits out there! :)

Thanks everyone for your encouraging words. It really stinks taking the time off - I'm happy to do it since it will only help the baby. Oh well, I'll be back into it my workouts soon enough...

Autumn - Yeah, I was having the contractions for about 1-2 weeks. Since this is baby #1, I just thought it was something normal and did not really worry about it. Well, yesterday I realized that they are not normal.

Take care!

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