Pregnancy Check In -- 4/4/04

christy g

Hello fellow mommies-to-be!

Well, I got enough workouts in this week, however they are not that intense. I am starting to feel tired now and bouncing around is the last thing I want and can do... Just 11 more weeks to go.

The eating habits have been much better as well. I'm not craving the baked goods like I is now fruit and orange juice. That makes things easier anyway.

Went through another growth spurt this last week. I have not checked my weight but my maternitiy clothes are fitting better these days because the belly is growing. :)

Here's my Week:

Sunday - off
Monday - walked
Tuesday - PLB
Wednesday - Tone it Up (w/ 5lb weights)
Thursday - walked
Friday - PUB
Saturday - walked

Hope everyone had a good week and a nice Easter!

EDD 6/29/04
Hi ladies! I hope each of you who celebrated the Easter holiday had a great weekend! I have no doubt Easter dinner has probably done major damage to my “theoretical” waistline. :) I prepared the Easter ham this year with this delicious tangerine glaze... yum! Oh, and the Easter candy is constantly tempting me. I'll need double workouts until it is gone. :)

Christy, isn't it amazing how the fit of clothes can literally change overnight?

Well, my week looks a lot like last week:
Sunday: Off
Monday: Rhythmix Step + PUB Back
Tuesday: Urban Rebounding + PUB Chest & Tri + Prenatal Pilates
Wednesday: LL
Thursday: Step Heat + PUB Shoulders + Prenatal Pilates
Friday: CK + PUB Biceps
Saturday: Off

I plan to put PUB away this week, I am in the mood for a change.
Hope you ladies have a great week!

EDD LMP 07-20-04
EDD (U/S) 07-15-04
Hi Autumn,
Looks like you had a very productive week. Congrats!

I used PUB last week too and I am amazed at how sore I was. It's been awhile since I used it. It really is a good workout. I ended up having several "Out of body experiences" that Cathe talks about. ;)

How is the Prenatal Pilates workout? Do you find it challenging? I have not tried any pregnancy videos, but, would like to. Just need to find some worth buying...

I had a few chuckles at your comment on your waistline... :) Easter candy is so yummy! (but, I resisted the temptation!) Pretty much my whole extended family is on the Atkins diet. So, the food prepared yesterday was actually pretty healthy pickings. Lots of veggies and meat. No one touched the fruit salad so I was rather pleased to have two huge servings of that without feeling guilty for eating all the food! ;)

Take care,

EDD 6/29/04
Hi Everyone. Last week wasn't that great for me either. I have 10 weeks left and am getting tired/uncomfortable. Like you, Christy, bouning around is the last thing I want to do and I also stopped craving so much sweet stuff and am now craving fruit. Strange?!!?
And I swear my belly all of a sudden grew bigger too!!

Sunday - off
Monday - Legs & Glutes/walked/abs
Tuesday - off
Wednesday - off
Thursday - Upper Body/walked/abs
Friday - off
Saturday - total body/walked/abs

EDD 6/17/04
Hi all

Just looking at the rotations mentioned and I have just a couple of questions...

How are you finding Cathe step training? Are you making many modifications?

How are you doing the abs??

Hi guys.

I'm posting but I had NO workouts last week! I came down with an AWFUL cold. Then dh and I were fighting. It was the biggest fight we have ever been in--it was awful because we hardly ever fight period. We ended up not talking to each other much at all from Friday night til Wed night. Talk about stress! On top of my cold and my pregnancy, I was so wiped out that I still don't feel 100% back to my old self. I didn't workout yesterday and was still just tired all day. The past week I was new pregnant tired or worse. The good news is that since we have made up, I feel like we are honeymooners again. I think it really gave us our perspective back and helped to put our marriage #1 again. Not that it hasn't been or isn't always, it's just so hard to remember when you get busy with the kids and the career, and the house on and on and on.

I don't feel too guilty about not working out as I know my body desperately needed the break with everything else that was going on. I did really good on my eating, too as far as sweets go. I probably wasn't eating enough healthy food either, but as I wasn't feeling good, it was hard to force myself to eat more than the amount it took to take the hunger away. I'm sure I lost a couple of lbs, but I know they'll come back on now that I'm feeling better. The hard thing is going to be getting back into workout mode this week. It really has been a nice break since I have been so demotivated to do anything at all other than sit on the couch. I have sworn to myself that I would workout today, though. My son is on springbreak this week and I am really looking forward to not leaving the house if I don't want to.

EDD 09-16-04
Hi there,
In answer to your questions....

How Are you finding Cathe Step Training? Are you making many modifications?
It's been good training w/ Cathe. I'm currently 29 weeks along and find it very easy to make modifications for the step and weight training. I am usually not laying flat on my back -- Whenever I can I use my ball or step at an incline for those moves. As far as the jumping around goes...I am starting to take the jumps out. I would continue to do those moves but am finding my pelvic floor is not taking it very well... So, just listening to my body there.

As far as the abs go. Some days I do try to do a few crunches. I just listen to my body on that one as well. I find that I get light-headed if am in a laying down position.
Most of the time I sit on my butt and in a "V" position and do crunches that way. If you are familiar with Boot Camp, Cathe does similar exercises to strengthen the core on the last interval w/ a 8lb ball. I find them to be pretty effective.
I want also mention, based on personal experience that I tried to do ab exercises as usual a few weeks back and ended up hurting the ab muscles. The move that hurt me was laying completely flat on your back with arms stretched over my head and then raising my torso and arms to an upright position (Pilates move). This move put too much strain on the abdominals and it keeps coming back to haunt me. Pre-pregnancy this move was never a problem for me.

Anyway, I hope this answered some of your questions. If you have any others let me (us) know!

EDD 6/29/04
Hi Stacey,
Glad to hear from you! Having a cold (or flu) is the worst. Take it easy on yourself... hope you get over it quickly.

I'm happy to hear all is well between you and hubby! Just my 2 cents -- Sometimes fighting is not bad. My hubby and I have ups and downs and we both find that good comes from the fights when we try to work it out and communicate in a mature manner. Besides, making up is fun to do ;)

Anyway, take care of yourself! :)

EDD 6/29/04
Hi Charlene!
Glad you checked in! You are doing great! Really!

I've been searching the internet looking for wive's tales or maybe even scientific facts what craving fruit means certian things. Well, I can't find anything consistent. I don't know the sex of the baby and one of the wives tales I read about says that craving fruit is a sure sign of a girl. Does that apply for you?

Well, on the bright side of eating the fruit all the time is that we are getting most of the vitamins and minerals we need this way! :)

Take Care!

EDD 6/29/04
Hi Ladies -
Last week was a busy week and I was quite tired so my workouts suffered but I was still active with housework (preparing for an Easter weekend visit by the in-laws!) and running around a lot. There was a growth spurt with baby because my abs were pulling big time, especially last Monday night. It's uncomfortable but it must just be the abs stretching out. Anyone else get that tugging feeling? It really slows me down when it happens.

Sun-Kickbox cardio & QuickFix Stability Ball Workout
Mon-Off but lots of housework which wiped me out!
Wed-Off (long day of travel & running around)
Thu-Off but more housework...and it wiped me out again.
Sat-a long walk, like 80 mins. (too long, I was tired!)

Chesire Cat: I've had to modify Cathe's step choreography gradually as the pregnancy has progressed. I've removed a lot of turns, twists, and impact. It's just too uncomfortable for me now to do higher impact stuff. I'm a fitness instructor so it's easy for me to make modifications on the fly. Also, I do most of my supine ab work on a stability ball and will incorporate an 8-lb weight (woodchops, both sitting and supine). I also do abs on all fours. I haven't done them flat on my back since I was about 14 weeks along because it pinched a nerve. I still do some chest and tricep work on an incline bench but it's getting harder to hoist that barbell up!

Have a good week!
EDD 8/11/04
Hello! I'm new here to Cathe and am loving it! I only own 3 DVD's so far,(Power Hour, Rhythmic Step, and Cardio Hits) but they are so fun! I am in my 25th week of my fifth pregnancy, and have four little boys ages 8, 6, 4, and 2. I was in the hospital on bedrest during my last pregnancy and my son was born 9 weeks early. So far no problems during this one and my doctor said I can continue exercising as long as everything continues to look good. (I've found research that shows exercise in the first trimester can actually prevent preterm labor!) I modify quite a bit on step routines, mostly because I have kids climbing all over the place and I don't want to step on anyone. (the 2 year old gets up at six a.m. so I've given up trying to workout before the kids rise) Last week I did:

Wenesday--Rhythmic Step
Thursday--Power Hour

I don't have a barbell yet, do any of you ladies just use dumbells? Hope you are all enjoying happy, healthy pregnancies!!
:) :)
LOL!! I can identify with the "out of body experience" too. I really enjoy the Pyramids. I did PH yesterday and my body is talking to me today. :)

I wanted the Prenatal Pilates for the core work. Pilates is such a different feel, I don't know what to think yet. I still have a ways to go, but it is not what I would call challenging. I believe Pilates becomes more difficult as you learn to use the muscles. I didn't word it very eloquently. :) Maybe I would get more out of the video if I would concentrate on the workout rather than wanting to correct this instructor's terminology. :) I am a nurse and teach medical terminology/ Intro to Pathology so my ears catch med term mistakes. She referes to the vena cava as a major artery rather than a major vein. She also does not use the term nauseous correctly (nauseous means nauseating not nauseated). See how I get going on it... you should hear me when I grade Med Term tests. :) Picky I know... I just can't stop myself.

Oh, I need your strength resisting the Easter candy. :)


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