pregnancy and exercise


Hi everyone, this is my first time posting on this specific forum (although I've been a Cathe fan for a while). My husband and I have decided that 2005 is the year, we're going to start trying to have a baby. I want to make myself as healthy as possible while trying, and I read somewhere that exercising too much can make it hard to get pregnant, but it didn't really tell me why. I exercise pretty intensely 3 days a week and 1-2 days at a lower intensity. I am normal weight and bodyfat. Should you modify if you're trying, or should I keep doing what I'm doing? I would just appreciate some thoughts on what other people may have gone through. Thanks in advance.

Hello Angela,

I have never heard that exercise makes a difference when trying to conceive until I just read it in your post. I made absolutely no adjustments in my work outs and conceived extremely quickly. I work out 4-6 days per week depending on my schedule and it's usually not on the "lighter side".

I'm sorry that I couldn't answer your question though...maybe someone else here can? Or you can always ask your doc.

Best of Luck with the baby-making!:)

Happy New Year!

We don't stop laughing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop laughing...Put more laughter into your life.

I am just 8 weeks pregnant and the only "real" change I made was with my diet. I complete cut out caffeine and simply ate a lot more good food. I have been a vegetarian for 12 years, so I have always had a good diet - I just ate MORE of it. More proteins, good carbs, and natural foods. I am still am working out 6 days per week and I just listen to my body. If I am tired, I stop.
Also, I started taking prenatal vitamins about 6 months before we started to try.

GOOD LUCK! It will happen!!!!

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