Pre-wedding shape-up


Hi Cathy!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and family - I hope this holiday season finds you well, happy and rested!

I have what I hope is a relatively simply question for you. I am getting married on January 29 and had been on a good track of getting in great shape. Then the flu hit about two weeks ago, and I'm still left with a kind of nasty cough, although it is improving every day. Have been able to do some power yoga in the interim but not much else. My question to you is: in the time that I have remaining, would you recommend that I do the PS series, one each week, or do MIS maybe twice a week for the remaining weeks ahead to get maximum strength back? I have all your tapes, and prior to this malady, could pretty much do them all without modifications, other than Bodymax, which I can get through unmodified only on a very good day!

Thanks for any advice you could give and thanks as always for making such great workouts! I remember when I got StepMax and couldn't even begin to get through it - now it seems like one of the easier ones! Be encouraged at the positive influence you have made in so many lives. God bless!
A sugestion

Hi Colia,
I'm not Cathe but since she's just given birth and isn't likely to be able to get on the forum for at least a few days I thought I'd give you my suggestion from my own experience since I'm usually recovering from my yearly bout with bronchitis sometime in January.

I would suggest you try one of the PS tapes that you find the least strenous and see how you feel for the next day or two. If you feel OK and not any weaker or your cough isn't worse, try another PS tape (the second "least strenous"). If you're feeling OK a day or two after that, do the 3rd PS tape. Above all, listen to your body. The flu takes a lot out of you and you need energy to continue to recover from it. The LAST thing you want is a relapse before your wedding.

Having gone through it myself and having read other peoples' experiences, I think you'll find that you haven't lost much strength and what you may have lost will come back faster than it originally took to get it. Just be careful not to over do it.

Take care,

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