Pre-mature Rupture of Membranes


Hi, I'm looking for any of you who have experienced premature rupture of membranes and were put on bed rest until you deliver.

I was due Aug 12, but my water broke on May 26 and I have been in the hospital on bed rest since then. The good news is that so far I have beat the odds as I have not yet delivered and am showing no signs of infection. For those of you that may have experienced this, how long was it before you delivered?

My doctors have said that if I hit 34 weeks ( i am now 30), they would induce me then. One doctor told me that my chances of making it to 34 weeks is only 5%, but another doctor told me that since I have gotten past the first week, my chances of making it to 34 weeks are very good. Baby is fine--heartbeat is strong and we were able to get him steriods for his lungs. I am doing fine, too, showing no signs of infection! My main job right now is to be a human incubator so my baby can continue to grow and get stronger!

Any responses are appreciated. Thanks for listening!
Thanks for the words of encouragement! I do keep my spirits up by remembering that every day that goes by, my baby gets stronger and bigger and that makes me happy. Also, I really think it is important that i keep positive so that the baby is getting "good" vibes from me and not depressing ones.

I was thinking the other day just how long I will have not been able to exercise and I got a little depressed about it, but then I thought, just think how quickly I will see results when I can get back to it after being off for so long! So it will be fun to see what happens when i do finally get back to it!
Glad to hear you're keeping your spirits up. Sorry I don't have any advice or knowledge either, but I did want to send some good vibes your way. You obviously are a very positive person and the baby is *definitely* picking up on that and getting stronger day by day. I'll be thinking of you and baby boy!
Thanks, Chris for the words of encouragement! I am convinced that my positive outlook is the result of being a regular exerciser and up until this happened I exercised throughout my pregnancy

I am getting excited about Cathe's new tapes! Of course I won't be able to use them when they first come out but I bet I will be ready by mid to late fall! I also saw the "super step" and of course, I want one! This gives me something fun to look forward to later this summer...
I went thru a similar experience during my pregnancy (my son is now 13 months old). However, I had preterm labor that started on the 16th week of gestation. I was put on bed rest til the 34th week! Those were the most difficult 5 months of my life! Because of the inactivity AND the constant fear of losing my child... In the end, I didn't give birth to a preterm infant, I had to be induced because of preeclampsia in my 40th week! I can therefore totally sympathize with you!

If you are past 30 weeks, that's a good sign. Foetuses are past the "critical" point by then, and the risk of infant mortality is greatly reduced. Lungs are mature at 34 weeks, and that's the reason why doctors prefer to wait until then to induce labor in at risk patients. Chances are that your baby will have to be intubated if he is born before 34 weeks. Also, you can expect your child to stay in the hospital longer than infants born at term...

I wish you good luck, and my thoughts and prayers will be with you and your baby!

Don't really have any help for you, but I know that sometimes the membranes reseal. They are alive, just like the rest of you, so it can happen. I don't know how often it does, or if they have any way of checking for this. I know a freind of mine had this happen, at 36 weeks, and she finally had her baby a week and a half later. No problems, and no change in her routine. She leaked for a day, then it stopped, and she went into labor at the end of the next week.

I wish you the best of luck, but do try asking your MD if there is a way to tell if they have resealed. If so, maybe you could get out of bedrest once your baby is past 34 weeks. Just a hope.

With both of my children my membranes ruptured before labor started (but at 39 and 42 weeks). It happened while I was sleeping (at about 4 in the morning) both times, so I have the personal view that bedrest isn't really the critical variable here. Of course, I am not suggesting you ignore your MD- pretty much just saying that we don't have as much control over these situations as we wish we did. Sorry I don't know the secret- actually, I would love to hear it myself- it is pretty stressful worring about bacterial infections and fearing for you little one.

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