Prayers for the Astronauts



I just got a call here at work from my wife saying the shuttle had exploded over Texas. It takes me right back to 1986 prayers are with those brave men and women and their families. I hope by some miracle they were able to get out via escape capsule.....
Yes let's pray they are safe. And let's also pray for their families. It must be so hard not knowing.
DH & I were watching the morning news when they had the "Breaking News" headline. We get some really stupid stuff on "Breaking News" so we were both like, "Jeez, what now." When DH read the headlines outloud we were both kind of dazed. It sucks.

Our prayers go out to the families.
Its so tragic. I remember like it was last week in 1986 I was a senior in high school and 3 classes gathered around a tv and watched the events and were all crying and heartbroken. I just explained to my 6 year old what was happening and why I was watching the tv today.

Just tragic and heartbreaking. Those poor families who lost a loved one.

This certainly takes us back to 1986 when the Challenger went down. We take it for granted that everything will go well, and I must admit that I don't pay too much attention when these space shuttles go up.

Let's all think about those poor families - I hope the press gives them a break and keeps the cameras out of their faces.
i feel so sorry for their families. those people lost their lives for something they believed in, even though they knew the risks. so much courage! it puts everything into perspective, especially when you think of all those military personnel headed to and already in the near east (afghanistan and the persian gulf). suzanne
Thanks Trevor for starting this thread. What a sad, sad day! My heart just aches for all their families! Marci, I too remember the Challenger and all the heartache with those families. I had tape recorded it off TV and would rewatch it and it has got to be one of the most tear jerker moments of my life watching Pres. Reagan consoling all the spouses and their children and family members. Unfortunately, that tape got re-taped over! Thinking of and praying for them all!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
This is so tragic and so heartbreaking. It's unimaginable that this happened just a few days from the anniversary of Apollo 1 (January 27, 1967) and the Challenger (January 28, 1986). God bless the astronauts and the families from all three missions....
I was shocked to hear the news! I guess it was just like a spokesman said yesterday, "We take for granted everything will be fine!" Not since 1986 has anything like this happened and I guess as a nation we never expected it to again.
How tragic for their loved ones. My heart goes out to all the parents, spouses, children and friends of the crew members. I think we'll all be a little more aware of the future space flights and potential dangers, I know I will.
God Bless their families!

"Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens. Who created all these?
He who brings out the starry hosts one by one; and calls them each by name, by the greatness of His might and the strength of His power;
not one of them is missing."

Isaiah 40:26

"The same Creator who names the stars also knows the name of each of the seven souls we mourn today. The crew of the shuttle Columbia did not return safely to earth, yet all can pray that they are safely home."

President George W. Bush
Saturday, February 1st, 2003

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