- pp terrific tueday -


well, i dont think ive made it thru one night yet w/o falling asleep in the rocking chair nursing!!! i miss my big warm bed!!!:p although, the rocker is actually a suede lazyboy and i wrap up in a big quilt before julia starts nursing,

no wo y'day - hopefully today

hi all. very little time to post. need to get a load of laundry started before i go to the gym to run.

last week i ran a few times and did C+W and the 4ds leg mix.

For the roll call, I am kristan and my kids are below (4 of them). I am a lawyer and my husband John is a motion graphic designer. We live in St. Louis.
kristan - ^5 on the wo's! have fun at the gym!

i did my WU and the 1st tri exercise then julia woke up!
feeding her now, try again later for my WO......
Kate - I've become an expert at sleeping sitting up and nursing. Hope you get your wo in today.

Hi Kristan!

Does anyone here have Amy Bento's ASC3? I just saw it on the collage video. I'm planning on buying some new workout dvds so when I am able to wo I'll have some new things. Of course, more like some things to work up to. My cardio and strength are probably really bad. I'll find out in a couple weeks.

Not much for me. Finally balanced my checkbook. Feels good to get something accomplished. In the midst of organizing and cleaning out my room.

hi guys! just popping in to say hello. we miss you over at the preg. check in. looks like everyone has been doing well. i hope all the babies are happy today :)

Lisa - I have ASC 3. I've only done it once. I love Amy's workouts, but more of her hi/lo than step. I usually hate hi/lo so that says a lot! She's so much fun :) As for ASC 3 it has pretty tricky choreography. She stumped me a few times. NOrmally i can get Cathe's choreo all on the first shot. With Amy's hi/lo i can get it all after doing the workout 2 or 3 times. But with her step - well, i never seem to reach for those much so i have not been too successful with it!

Hope that helps a little!

Everyone take care :)
hi guys

lisa and kate, i am jealous you can sleep nursing - i am such a light sleeper it does not work at all.

lisa, i have asc3 but have not done it yet. amy's choreo is challenging but doable and so fun - good luck

hi kristan - i am so jealous of the running. i am praying i get cleared to do some non impact cardio this week. the pool is doing a number on my eyes, hair, and skin.

kate, good luck with your workout. thank goodness for nursing, right?

i am going crazy here - not working, not able to care for my kids, not working out regularly like i am used to. hope this is all temporary. also very stressed with dh gone, my family, and my mil is here. i kleep trying to remember we are not given more than we can handle. the mommy guilt is the worst, though. i cannot play norm,ally with my kids! okay, no more complaining. workouts were pub and an hour swim today. hope everyone gets a nap!

how old was everyones kids when you started working out with them in the room with you and mobile? finn is 27mons and i normally exercise while he sleeps. any tips on what he could do that will keep him busy while i exercise?
Hi Girls,

for the roll call:
3 kids,(2 boys,1 girl)
baby boy Riley 6 months.
live in florida

Its cold here this week-highs in the upper 50s to low 60's! Its sooo nice!;)

Morris-I usually try to workout when my kids are sleeping also-but if they are up i usually put a dvd on for them or they can play outside,my workout room looks out into our backyard.
Seems like dvds usually hold there attention for awhile.;)
lisa, no asc3 here - still trying to figure out 2!!!! isn't amazing how happy getting simple chores makes you???!!! I've got a couple new Tracey's to tackle. And CTX came today too!! But I really want HLMB. Will wait til I at least DO the others that came!!!!

Hey Jen! What are the name syou're thinking of?

Morris, AMEN to nursing! I dont feel quite as bad when I can't get a wo in! I'm doing a WO just sitting on my keester! I've always don emy wo's while the kids nap until this summer - so basically they were 4 & 6 YEARS!!!! I hate having my attention divided so I waited til they were both sleeping at naptime or at night.

That said....since I got my WO interrupted I finished it up after lunch with Isabel in the WO room with me. Thank you Julia for sleeping!!! I redid the WU for BC and then did bis and tris. Also added on core from KB. Isabel was having a blast on the Smith machine so I took advantage of the extra few minutes. Man, has my core took a beating!!! I'm appalled at the lack of endurance in it! I know, I know...it took 9 months to get that way....but DANG!!! I'm a weakling!!!:eek::p

Isabel is outside playing in the snow by herself. We live out in the country and our great dane patrols the property like none other but I still worry about kidnapping! Am I alone in this? I am totally paranoid about it.

Better go check on her................
YAY good day here. I did 30 mins on the elliptical. Then when Sara woke up I nursed her and we went out for a walk. We got 2.8 miles in AND I got a shower. I feel accompliched today. lol

Morris~My ds is 2 1/2 and the last 2 days I let him watch cartoons while I did the elliptical. I used to workout when he napped,b ut now I need to try to get my workouts in in the morning so that isn't his nap time. Maybe you can get a box of "special' toys that only he can play with when you workout? Keep them up somewhere and bring it out when you workout.

Kate~I am right there w/ ya! I haven't done any ab work yet because the dr. stitched mine back together and he said def. NO ab work till 6 week pp check. I might even wait another few weeks after that. I want them to stay together..lol Great job getting the workout in! I def. sleep sitting up nursing. I have been sleeping on the couch. I am going to try getting sara into her crib in a week or two. For now we sleep on the couch and then when she wakes the first time I sit up to nurse her and usually fall asleep w/ her like that. Normally I could never sleep sitting up or anywhere really but my bed, but now I am so exhaused. I went to bed at 9pm last night.

Kristan~great job on running! My dh is going to be heading to Fr. leonardwood in Jan for an 8 week class. I think that is near you all. If I remember right when he was there this summer he said St. Lo was 1 hour from the base. Do you all have snow there the end of Jan and in Feb?

Lisa~I don't have any Amy Beneto workouts.
Oh and here is the baby girl!!

I love this one! Daddy is getting good at sleeping sitting up too..lol
Fit mommy - awww, she is adorable!!

Kate - I have HLMB. Its good and fun - goes by quick. Its not killer but it still gets me nice and sweaty and tired. I am 6 mos preggers tho. I pretty much have all of Amy's and Tracey's workouts. If you have any questions, ask away. agreat site to visit is www.videofitness.com. YOu can look in the discussion forums, we talk about every workout under the sun there. there is also a trade/wish list where you post workouts you dont want anymore, and ones you do. then you work out a trade on the honor system and mail them to each other. GREAT way to save money, you get rid of workouts you dont want and trade them for ones you do. I have saved so much using that site and i have a bajillion and two workouts! :)

For girl names, I know her middle name will be Mae. That is my moms first name , she hates her name but is ok with it being the middle name. I like the names Ava, Ella, Carmen, Brookylnn (brooke for short) and Marlo.

Ava is becoming very popular, so i'm finding out.
Ella is pretty
Carmen was my grandmothers name - my DH suggested this not knowing that. So both names would have meaning
DH likes Brooklynn and Brooke for short, i'm sort of lukewamr on this one.

ANd me being the freak i am - i told him i like Marlo - after Marlo Thomas! Becuase i LOVE LOVE LOVE the tv show That Girl! Marlo Thomas played Ann Marie, the main character. Its so retro and i just love it and she is so darn cute. So i suggested Marlo. One day he liked it, the other day he didnt so who knows. My coworker took a pole and a lot of people actually like marlo, which shocked me becuase i thought peope would think 'what the heck kinda name is that' :)

of course, these are all subject to change, like five minutes from now!
trish - i got to wo & shower too! 2 rare commodities in this house!:p ....8 wks sans hubby! i dont know how you do it! big thanks to both of you! ....sweet baby!! i already miss that first week!!!!

jen, a good friend of mine had an ava on friday! i love mae for a middle name! good luck deciding! girl names have been easy for us, boy names.....not so much!
Please pick Carmen! It's so beautiful and meaningful. And, guaranteed your Carmen would be the ONLY Carmen in her age group.

According to the social security ranking of names used in 2007:

Ava #4
Ella #21
Brooke #45
Brooklynn #57


Carmen #275

Can you tell I am a name geek?
Hi! I am typing fast b/c Aidan is next to me and waking up...
I did my first full workout in a while (Cathe-Body Fusion) on Sunday, and it felt great! I ordered a DVD from Befit mama for Distassis Recti, and I really like it a lot. I have my OB appt this Friday for my 6 week check-up, so I will ask about that lump I still have above my belly button. My sister's friend is an OB, and I saw her last Friday. She thinks it's DR, so hopefully it is that and not a hernia!

Andy (DS#1) came down with a nasty cold and a fever yesterday. Took him to the dr., and he has a virus. He was much better today.

Aidan is SO gassy! I have no clue what is doing it. I cut out onions, way back on citrus and dairy and chocolate... This is a mystery to me. He gets so fussy, and then he just farts and farts and then he's better.

Trish-Sara is SO cute!
Kate-I fell asleep nursing Aidan in the hospital all the time, and I still do from time to time.
Stephanie-How are you doing?
Jen M-Nice to hear from you.
Kristan-Great workouts!
Morris-Sorry to hear about your foot! And, although relatives really try to help out during their visits, it is very hard to have someone else in your house for so long. Things will get better! Oh, when I workout with Andy (he's 3), I put on a DVD on for him (on the portable player). That keeps him occupied.
Hello Angela!

My info:
I live in Harrisburg, PA
I have two boys (3 1/2, 6 weeks)
I am a first grade teacher (will be going back to work in Jan.)
My husband is also a teacher
We may or may not try for a third (NOT anytime soon, though)
Jen~ have you tried the gas drops?? I pretty much give those daily here.. well not quite that much, but Sara seems to get gassy too and those drops work wonders. Just the equate Walmart brand is just as good as the name brand. I can't figure out what it doing it here either. I think sometimes babies are just gassy in general and it isn't really much we can do about it food wise. Great job on the workout!

I have (or had the DR) I had what looked like a lump too and sometimes it would be way more noticable than others and sometiems I couldn't see it at all. It was like a lump that bulged out between my abs. Mine def. sepearated. I am not sure how to tell if it's a hernia though. Hopefully your OB can figure it out for you.
Thanks for the name input Kristan!
You didnt say anything about Marlo - im sure that would be a unique name too. Yes Carmen does have some meaning. Im just not sure about using it.
In fact im not sure about any of the names i suggested above. I like beautiful , classic names. I dont want anything too modern, thats just not me. Im sure there are a ton of beautiful names out there, but i've been drwaing a complete blank since i got pregnant! And this poor baby will be stuck with the name for life, so im trying to be thoughtful about it.
I cant stand my name Jennifer. I was bron in 1980 and i think it was the number one most popular name. Arg.

Jen~ those are all nice names! I like Brookelyn best! I also like Emmalyn. Sara isn't popular.. : ) As for classice names I liked abigail (abby) Good luck.. the naming was the hardest for us. We didn't name her offically till the day we brought her home.

Well I got in 42 mins on the elliptical and some upper body weights. Then we went to the grocery store and a walk when we got home. Ended up doing 2.7 mile walk. SO not a bad day at all. I haven't braved a cathe workout yet, but that is coming soon. LOL

How'd everyone do today??
Hi ladies!
JenP-We used the gas drops on Charlie almost EVERY feeding until we decided to switch him to a new formula. He's much better, but now he poops a lot. Nurse said yesterday he's just getting used to the new formula. I know you breast feed, so I don't know much more than to recommend the gas drops, but there has been a recall on Mylicon, the kind we were using. So we stopped, of course, and bought Little Tummies and used it until we switched formulas. So don't get Mylicon...YAY for the workout!!! I need to/want to work out SO bad!!

Kate--I fall asleep EVERY night feeding Charlie. Last night was the first night I didn't, and I felt SO much more rested today. I found that watching home movies while I fed him kept me awake. We've made an iMovie each year since our first was born. It's kind of a video babybook of the most memorable moments, set to music. My husband is very good at putting them together. He could do it professionally, IMO. I love love love literally watching the boys grow!

Kristan--You're my new fitness guru! Wish I could run! I also am a "name geek." I love your kiddos' names!

Morris--I hope you know that you CAN complain here without worries. That's what we're here for! I do it all the time! You are stressed right now, but keep repeating this mantra, "This too shall pass..." Just be mindful of ppd and know if you're heading in that direction so you can talk to your doc if need be... (I speak from past experience.)

JenM--Love all the names, but Carmen gets my vote too.

Trish--Way to go on the eliptical! I love that machine!



OK, roll call:
Stephanie, 34, (35 in January)
live in Tennessee
three sons, Oliver, 6 (almost 7), Henry 3 (almost 4) and Charlie, 7 weeks tomorrow
I'm a former journalist turned sahm/church newsletter editor/struggling children's book writer (non-published, of course)

Went to the doc yesterday and was told all was OK with my incision, even though it still weeps from time to time. She OK'ed me to do ANY workouts --including ab work! WOO HOO!! Now if I could only stop time so I could workout...

Have a great day, guys!!
hi. one handed typing.

stephanie- yeah on incision. maybe exercise will get your blood flowing for some healing.

morris- put some conditioner in your cap for your hair. i put bumble/bumble on it while i swim and it is like a treatment

jen- like marlo; marlo thomas- wasn't she the free to be you and me? maybe b4 your time

mimi had her 4 mo check- 27 inches, 17+ pounds

i did imax3- was planning 1-5 but did whole thing
Kristan - yes, that's the Marlo. I've never seen free 2 u but i've heard of it. maybe its a music thing, i forget. I love her in That Girl, i have seasons 1-3 on DVD. I think she is just adorable in that show. Im a retro freak :)

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