-------- pp 12/8 ---> ????

Hi! CONGRATS ANNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
Remember I got an u/s last week to see if I had an abdominal hernia? Well, the tech who did the test said it didn't look like one. My OB called yesterday to tell me that is most likely a lipoma (fatty tumor) that will need to come out. It's large (about 5cm, and it's round like a softball). Of course I was all in a panic. I called my sis (derm surgeon), and she said she can take it out (simple procedure) if I need her to. The OB's office set up an appt with a surgeon for next Friday to further assess what it is and set up a time to get it removed. I just want it OUT! My sis said people get them all the time, especially pregnant women, so I feel better about that.
Other than that, everything else is fine. I didn't do the Slim in 6 the past two Days, and only did a small part today. Tomorrow, I plan to start the "Burn It up" workout in the series. My eating actually has been really good. I could eat more fruit, though!
Aidan went for his 2 month check-up yesterday. He is almost 14 pounds:eek:, and although the ped wasn't concerned, she did say his is overeating. Kate, how heavy is Julia?
He got a bizillion shots, but he was a trooper. I am so glad they give the rotavirus vaccine now. That is a horrible illness for babies to get!
I got the flu shot yesterday, and my arm feels like it's going to fall off.

Kate-Awesome workouts!
Trish-What is the name of your contraption? It sounds very interesting!
Stephanie-Good for you for signing up with NS. A few ladies at work did that, and it worked wonders for them. We'll have to see before and after pictures (you know, like the ones they show on tv).
Hello to everyone else!
Well, no b&G tonight. It snowed here and caught everyone off guard. We were only expecting rain. It took DH nearly three hours to get home (usually a 20-minute commute). When he got home at 8 p.m., he took the boys out to play in it. They had a blast. Snow day tomorrow! I'm actually not very excited about it. I needed to get some work done. I am planning Henry's class party next week. We're making "snowy" pancakes in class (ie pancakes with powdered sugar on them), making crafts and watching a movie. I have to round up my volunteers and get them to bring stuff. I can just imagine how those phone conversations will go tomorrow with three kids screaming in the background. Oh well. Theirs will be home too!! :)

Hope everyone had a great day!! I ate super well today -- actually ate less than I should have. LESS!! That's a huge feat for me.
Thanks for all the congrats ladies!

Stephanie - So glad your DH made it home safely in the snow! Glad the boys enjoyed it!

Hi Lisa!

Jen - Sorry about the tumor...I don't blame you for wanting it out NOW! FX for a healthy recovery after your surgery. Is 14 lbs really all that big for 2 months?

Kate - Glad you got a rest day in...always needed!

Fitmommy - Nice job on the running and elliptical! You're my hero!

ADM - Taking it real easy on the exercise these days until I'm in the 'safe' zone. Doing some biking and WALKING on the treadmill and still lifting weights. Should get my 3rd Beta blood test results back here shortly. Will update you on the numbers!

Anne- Hurray! I will say a quick prayer for you.

In another hurray- going to the gym before I pick up the girls from 1/2 day of school.

I did Bento HiLo Extreme on Tuesday with the APX leg circuits and my legs STILL hurt. Hoping a light run will loosen them up.
jen, i think i eat too much fruit!
julia is 12 lbs. (2mon. today) arent you breastfeeding? it is nearly impossible to overfeed a bf baby. if hes not hungry he wont eat, if hes hungry he will! my girls all have started chubby and eventually slim down - i wouldnt waste a second worrying about it!:)

lisa, thanks for the drive-by! good to see you? getting any sleep?

stephanie, i love snowdays!!! lucky! good job on the eating! is ns for b'fast, lunch and dinner?

anne, thanks for keeping us posted. you sound so happy!

kristan, yay for gym time! i'm still hurting from gs legs a few days ago....

did imax 2 today. got in 45 min then julia woke up. will do abs later.

im so excited to have a weekend! 1 more week til c'mas break!!!!
Hi ladies!
Kate--Yes, ns is breakfast, lunch and dinner, but you're supposed to add in fresh fruit and veggies and dairy. I didn't do that yesterday because I didn't get to go to the store before it snowed. DH is going for me on his way home tonight. YAY SALAD and FRUIT!!

Jen--Charlie is 13 pounds (he was 2 months Dec. 2), and the nurse kept talking about what a BIG BOY he was. Your guy has my guy beat, though!! I also am very glad about the ROTO Virus immunization. We had that in our house about two years ago and it was BAAAD. I asked if my whole family could have the immunization, but she said only for babies younger than three months. Oh well. At least HE won't be getting it, and I am SO thankful for that!

Trish---you asked about the one body part a day and cardio. When I was Miss Fitness pre pregnancy, I tried to do one muscle group per day plus cardio on the eliptical. I had GREAT results. I tried to do B&G twice a week too. That was summer before this past summer, and I really was happy with the results. I wish I could do the same now, but my eliptical has since passed away. It was a good machine.. sniff...

Lisa--Sorry you're so busy! Hope things slow down soon.

Kristan--You are busy too!! Good job on the workouts! I'm jealous!

Snowday was OK. DH took kiddos out to play in it this a.m. while Charlie and I snoozed. Then he went to work, and we had a pajama day of our own. They love pajama days. They have WRECKED the bonus room, though. I hate to have clutter at Christmas time. I think it takes away from the pretty decorations, so I'm always being such a little nag for people to clean up after themselves. In my attempts to be festive, I'm probably being a big fat scrooge. Oh well. Well, I hope everyone has a great weekend! Pray that I don't fall off the wagon! I'm on ns's flex program which means weekends off. I hope I can keep up the cleanish eating!
I did 4DS KB cardio and abs last night. Eating better, but not as well as I should. I do need to get on the eating though. My abs have gotten weak also. Long road ahead...

Anne - Waiting to hear your beta results!

Jen - I don't believe in "overfeeding" babies either. Esp. breastfed ones. Are you EBF?

Steph - Snowy pancakes sound good!

Kate - I've been sleeping more now that Pomai is sleeping longer at night. Has Julia been consistent with the sleeping through the night thing? I can't wait for that!

For you mommies with 3 or more kids - How do you manage with 3+ kids? I have 3, but oldest is 9 so not too bad, but when ds and dd fight, it drives me nuts and I can't yell at them because I have a sleeping baby, kwim? How do you divide your time and keep up with the day to day things?

Went shopping today and got some organizers to get my room organized. I hate the clutter, but it's like I haven't had anytime to organize. I drive myself nuts, I swear. Hoping to do PUB tonight after DH gets home from work. Can't wait to drop the weight. I want to wear normal clothes again.

stephanie, i go crazy w/o fresh produce!
our girls have our basement trashed if its any consolation!
i love b&g too! its not on my rotation for this month tho....i'll have to wait til january!
i hate clutter w/ the decoations too - i thought i was the only one!

lisa, im getting more sleep now than at the end of my pg! id be awake for hours! shes been going to bed by 9 at the latest and up to nurse around 4, up for the day around 8. i surely cannot complin!
good job w/ the organizing. i need to do some too..
re juggling 3 kids......let me know when you figure it out! ive taken a no-whining/fighting etc policy. as soon as one starts, off she goes to her room. they know when theyre misbehaving and im tired of arguing about it. so off to the bed they go until they can change their bad attitudes!

going to my dads today for pictures in c/mas dresses. wo will be gs tris/shoulders.
Workout just got done - GS shoulders and triceps. 4DS LIS abs. Still disgusted at how weak my lower abs are, but considering how low I carried Julia I shouldn't be surprised.

Here is a link to the pic we had done at my favorite photographers:
Our girls are the "december Portrait of the Month". You can click on it to make it bigger. Julia was 2 weeks in the pic.

Everybody having a good weekend? I can't WAIT for Christmas break!!!!:D
Kate--Your girls are beautiful! What a wonderful picture!

I hope everyone is having a good weekend! Went to see Santa tonight and the boys did great! Santa was a bit grumpy though. Perhaps hypoglycemic from all of the cookies...
Kate -that pic is adorable!

Staying busy here-teaching school,LAUNDRY,and basic life with kids!
i managed to squeeze in a few workouts last week-and i am soo sore! It feels good tho!

Have any of you ever had your babies bellybuttons stay red for a long time after the cord falls off???
if so -what did you do?
hi ladies!! hoping to wo tonight. maybe kickmax or lic. probably lic cardio blast or one of the premixes.

glad the weekend is over. loooong weekend. now i need to xmas shop. is everyone done with theirs?


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