
farm girl

Has anyone tried any of these videos? What did you think of them? Do you have to have to sword? Thanks!!!

Have A Blessed Day!!!
I have five Powerstrike videos and absolutely love them. The energy of the workout is great. My only complaint is that the quality is not very good. It is filmed during a live class which I suppose is good for the instructors. They are very motivated. If the quality issue won't bother you then I highly recommend them. No, you do not need a sword for their kickbosing videos. This is only used for the Forza workout.

Best wishes, Cyndie
Thanks for the info!! I heard there are new ones. Which ones are they and were can I buy them? I have been on their website and I do not know which ones are the new ones. Please help, I guess I am a little so when it comes to computers!!

Have A Blessed Day!!!
You can purchase the two new videos from the address below. There is a short description of each. I don't remember the price of each. It is $47.50 for both including shipping. Hope this helps. I want to order them myself but I have already ordered THIRTEEN videos in the last couple of months. I have to be a little disciplined, don't I?

Take care, Cyndie

IP Powerstrike Inc.
115 West 74th Street 2B
New York, NY 10023

POWERSTRIKE® Level 1 series #1
It is a high energy POWERSTRIKE® class.
Techniques used are Jab, cross, hook, front push kick and roundhouse kick.

It is a high energy and high intensity POWERSTRIKE® class
using advanced techniques including upper cut and side kick.
I ordered these two

I just got them this week and only previewed them..too many new tapes arrived!LOL.

They do look awesome and seem to live up to the hype. The production quality on these two are supposed to be better than the ones listed on the website. Not sure I would like any others that don't have at least this grade of production.

Having only watched 15 minutes of one..I can only comment on others reports..both are supposed to stop short right before the cooldown..just so you know;-).

Also, when you order them, stay on top of your order. They are great at KB but not so hot on the business end. Many seem to have to email them looking for their tapes. I had to as well, and apparently, the first set was lost and they had to reship the second :-hmmm

RE: I ordered these two

Hey hey hey Nancy - I was just gonna post about this (wouldn't you know) and saw you post first. The two new ones are great. I also have the older ones. I have to say Nanc that I did #3 and 4 the last two days. I found #3 to be so focused on form that it appeared to be harder than any of the other tapes. I love it. But of course, you have to know their style because as you say it is a live class and they are not really teaching to an audience in these. The two new ones do do that but they lose a teensy bit of the raw energy magic there. However, I will buy whatever they put out. They are just excellent instructors.
hey hey Julie;O)

LOL...I'm going to (hopefully) be able to take a peak at those earlier vids when Felicia comes for the AAAI conference. If the production is bearable..I'll probably cave and get more.
You would love the class I used to take...the instructor was as intense and awesome as these two women. They teach the same exact way...moving front and back and just flowing from one combo to the next.

Hey..did I ever say thanks! LOL;-)..they are good..and I'm fairly sore from the other day too!

RE: hey hey Julie;O)

Nanc I just posted at VF (someone was asking about how to get the older ones). Better take a look fast - sounds like more people are ordering them. I just bought some more as a gift and they told me they are running low. Did you see the post about Impact? FYI - I found that after doing the newer ones and "knowing" their style, the older ones' production matters not. They are incredible intense and a good workout. The first time I did them I was a little confused, but now I know exactly what they are doing and don't have any problems.
RE: hey hey Julie;O)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-02-01 AT 12:48PM (Est)[/font][p]i would like to sample the powerstrike tapes.
Are there any sites have clips i can watch?
RE: Question for Cyndie onPowerstrike

hi cyndie which five powerstrike videos do you have and how did you get them? Are all of them worth ordering? I heard that volume 2 of their original videos was filmed kind of awful. Thanks for your help sue
I am now officially a Powerstrike convert! I'm afraid my Tae Bo tapes are going to be gathering dust for a while ;-) I have tapes 3, 4, Impact and the two newest tapes. I got 3, 4, and Impact at fitgearinc.com, but they are quickly running short on stock, as many videofitness folks have discovered Powerstrike.

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