Powerstrike 3.............


I received this video for Christmas. I finally had a chance to do it Sunday. I am mildly disappointed. :-( Anyone else??? I don't think 3 is nearly as difficult as the first two. Bummer......

Ya know, everyone says that so I guess it's just me that still finds it a decent workout? I feel like it is a "tad" less intense, but not so much it disappoints me. I like it! :)

Hi Donna!!! Thanks for the reply. :) I don't think I'm too disappointed to not do the tape. I think it'll grow on me, and the better I get it down, the more intense I can make it myself...I think. That may be a bit more difficult with a kickbox tape. We shall see!

Hi Hollie,

Someone posted about some weighted gloves recently. That may be just the item to add if you're looking for more of a "workout" from your PowerStrikes. I believe the gloves were found at Wal-Mart for $8.

Well, I like Mil#3. Yes, it's a little less intense, but, heck, the other Powerstrikes are just about to tough for this cardio wimp.
I like Powerstrike #3.It probably has alot to do with the change in music to :) I got so tried of listening to the same song in #1 and #2.I don't think it is as hard as #2 but I still like it.
I am not a good kicker and I usually lose control of my kicks, but with #3 the kicks are more controlled so I am able to do it right.
But I know what you mean.I think we have it in our heads that just b/c it is newer, it could be harder.
Hopefully ,you will get soemthing out of it, then it won't be a total waste of money.I get disappointed to when I buy videos and I never end up using them.Seems like such a waste.

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