Powerstike Addiction


I swear I am addicted to Powerstrike, especially Millenium 2. I alternate it with my weight training days but am wondering if my muscles are getting enough recovery time because usually the day after Powerstrike my whole body is feeling it since I really enjoy going all out for the entire workout. I was curious as to how those of you who have Powerstrike work it in to your rotations?

I may need a Powerstrike 12 step program. I hope they put out some new videos soon.

I'm covering my ears and singing "La-la-la" to drown out the Powerstrike song! My husband is going to have an affectionate fit when (notice I said "when") I order Powerstrike 1 and 2, especially given that I'm also planning on ordering the Cathe's Greatest Abs DVD within the next week!

Thanks a lot, Lorax! Now you've sent me over the edge! (I was already at the precipice, but what the h@**.)

Annette Q. Aquajock

(BTW, have you gotten Wendy the Weight Vest yet?)
The force of Powerstike is swirling around you - it is futile to try to drown us out with singing - you will soon be sucked into our world never to return, ya-ha-ha (evil laugh)

(Haven't gotten Wendy yet, but I saw an ad from Sports Authority that she's on sale so I'm gonna check that out.)

BTW Annette, if I remember correctly, you're a legal asst. like me - aren't we supposed to be working at 10:00 a.m. on a Thurs.? ;-)

You people need help! :)

I rotate Powerstrikes with my weights also and there is really no "happy medium" I've found yet. I still experience some mild muscle soreness (usually just in the shoulder area) as I do powerstrikes the day after an upper body workout, and when done with "full force" I don't think you can get away from experiencing some soreness.

Possibly for those that only work their upper body once/week, because then you could allow 2 days or more between upper body weight work and powerstrike, but for me, I either work my upper body 2x or 3x depending on the rotaion, so I get hit one way or the other!

I keep assuming that as I increase in strength and/or endurance in my upper body that this will decrease or cease altogether, but until then, I've gotten use to "feeling" my shoulders pretty much all the time. I should note that my shoulders are probably my proudest area at the moment. They have wonderful definition, despite the fact I still need to lose some body fat, and my arms on the whole are gaining improved definition weekly, so maybe all the upper body work is worth a little soreness. :)

I ordered powerstrike 2 last Thursady.Now you got me waiting for the mail man.I can't wait to get it.What is the first one like??
RE: Lorax The Powerstike Paralegal

Hey, Lorax! Yes, I'm a paralegal / legal assistant too! What practice areas do you do? I work on certain prosecution matters mostly on the misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor level.

RE: Lorax The Powerstike Paralegal

Hey Annette!

We handle a little bit of everything: lots of family law (YUK!), criminal (felony and misdemeanors), juvenile, dependency, estate planning, probate etc. How long have you been in this rat race? I got my degree in 1990 (some days seems like 1890!) But for sure there's never a dull moment (except for now when I should be gathering discovery and am visiting this forum instead - don't tell ;-) )

RE: Aquajock the Soggy Paralegal

Hey, Lorax! Becoming a paralegal was a career change for me; I went through a post-baccalaureate 4-month paralegal bootcamp program here in the Twin Cities fall/winter '98-'99, and got my dream job (that I'm still doing today) in August '99.

You got it about never a dull moment. I'm taking a break from reviewing my own procedural history of a 7-report, 10-count criminal charge of protective order violations (involving a Jewish defendant who likes to Hebrew everything up, if you can believe that) because he's set for trial next week and I'm under subpoena as an investigative witness.

So you don't like Dysfunctional Family Law, huh? No wonder you - and I - frequent this forum so often! You gotta get your happies somewhere!

I also have gone through periods where all I want to do is Powerstrike and weights! Now I'm on to rebounding and weights.

Good news...there is a new Powerstrikes--Millenium 3-- coming out in August, also on DVD.
RE: Lorax The Powerstike Paralegal

Hello Ladies:

I am a paralegal as well. Pretty much litigation. Took the CLA exam. HARD, but I passed on the first try. Anyway, jobs here in Florida are, well, they pretty much fight over good paralegals because we have more lawyers then any other state in the country (hence the title "Sue me state". Anyway, just thought I would say hello from one paralegal to the next.

RE: Lorax The Powerstike Paralegal

HI Cynthia!

I'm in FL too, on the Space Coast - where are you? Maybe we need to start a Powerstrike Paralegals Club striking fear into the hearts of opposing counsel everywhere!

RE: Powerstrike 3?

Yes, you can pre-order Powerstrike Mil 3 via www.cksales.com. I think you HAVE to call in your order. You can pre-order as long as the shipment has not arrived (save about $3 canadian) which was expected around late June or early July. I am not sure whether they are in or not since I did not pre-order. I am waiting for the DVD... which might be another month!

Yup, yup....

LOVE Powerstrike!!!! And they're coming out with NUMBER 3????? Yowza!!! I'm all about NUMBER 3!!!!! :-jumpy

RE: Lorax The Powerstike Paralegal

I am in the Fort Lauderdale Area. It is extremely busy over here, obviously!!! I have been a paralegal for 15 years, but went part time for 2 years. For the past two years, tho, I don't even work part time. I seem to have too much day for my hours!!!! I have really enjoyed taking a break, especially from the family law side of it. I just can't take it, and have decided that when I go back to work, I will NEVER do family law again. Give me a criminal in jail over a raging husband/wife any day of the week.

On another note, y daughter is currently on a mission trip right there in Merritt Island, so that it pretty close to you. I was just up there to visit her last week. TONS OF MOSQUITOS!!!

RE: Powerstike Paralegals:Can I Join?

Hey, Cynthia and Lorax! I just got off the phone with CKSales, and my Powerstrikes should be in my mailbox in a couple of weeks.

I don't live in Florida anymore, but I grew up in Tallahassee and went to college for a couple-three years in St. Petersburg. I've lived in the Twin Cities / Minnesota area since late 1984. Can I join the Powerstrike Paralegals even though I've become a D@mn Yank?

Annette Q. Aquajock
RE: Yup, yup....

Hi Everyone,
The fantastic mail man brought my video today.I was so busy at work that I didn't get to eat anything mid afternoon so now I am having a little snack to get me through my work out.I can't wait to try it.Wish me luck...

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