PowerMax video tapes


New Member
I started my collection of Cathe's videos with Powermax a year ago. After 10 times of use, more or less, I started having problems with the video. First, I believe that my VCR was the problem because I could not play any other video of any kind. I purchased another VCR (top of the line) and I play the powermax video with no problem. Then, after some use, the same problem emerged again while playing powermax, and again I could not play any other video. I cleaned the VCR heads and it worked but I had to constanlly clean the VCR's heads. Thinking that this particular tape was some how defective I bought another powermax video but after some time it happened again. Now every time I am using the Powermax video I have to stopped it to clean the heads of the VCR.
I don't know what to do because this is my favorite exercise video but I feel that some how it is corrupting my VCRs.

Does anybody else have this problem?

Than you for any input.
ghosts in the videos

I have nearly all of Cathe's tapes & I had the same problem with Step Heat. Step Heat was very weird-- grainy and shadowy & would stop about 1/2 way through, if I pushed play it would go again.
I chalked it up to having ordered Step Heat in the summer (last year when it was HOT) and coming home to the box randomly thrown on my porch to sit and wait for me in the hot sun.
I think some tapes are just (physically) different. It is a little disruptive in a workout, though.
Problems with tapes


Yes! I have had pproblems with only my PS series, the others no problem. I find that when I start the video it is s-l-o-w ( sound too) and the only way to remedy this is to foward a bit and continue. Now, mind you, I do not have any of these problems with the other videos....I use the PS series the most. Sheesh, my videos have "over-use" injuries! Anyone else having such problems with their videos? Deb D

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