Power yoga


Hi All,
Can anyone tell me if it is ok to do power yoga or a more fast pace flowing yoga in addition to doing weight work. I recently decided to begin doing yoga as a way to relieve stress but I'm finding that I enjoy more of a faster pace, I think they call it vinyasa? I'm still learning about yoga. Anyway, I'm doing a 4DS rotation and it has days for yoga but I don't know if it's ok to do a more powerful yoga. Also, can I do yoga at night on days that I've done weight work. Any info would be much appreciated.

Sounds like you are doing very well. I say do the yoga you want, listen to your body, and if you feel the effects of too much exercise, then begin a less stressful one in it's place. Don't be afraid to try things out in any way you feel comfortable. I also like the faster pace and I personally benefit from it.

Have fun, and remember to listen to your body.


The idea is to die young as late as possible
Thanks Janie. When you first began practicing yoga, did you learn through classes or videos? I'm thinking about getting a book.

I started off with a book many years ago. Then the VHS's came out and I got one of them. As it grew more in popularity, they had better choices out there. I have added many to my collection during the years, but I do have some favorites I keep reaching for.

It's always a good idea to get yourself familiar with things before you jump in on anything. That includes Yoga. There are so many different ones and you won't know which one to get unless you do a little research perhaps on the computer. Another way is try them out by going to the library or renting from Netflix, or like you said taking a class. Later you can decide which is better for you.

When you fine the perfect match for you, there is nothing like it. But in some cases you either like it or you don't.

Here are some of my favorites:

Aerobic Yoga; it's an old one by Ganga White and Tracy Rich, was a VHS
Rodney Yee Power Yoga Total Body
Mark Blanchard, I just don't do the advanced ones at the end
Richard Freeman Ashtaga Yoga, advanced towards the end
Doug Swenson, Mastering the Secrets of Yoga Flow, advanced towards the end
David Swenson The Practice, advanced towards the end

Hope this helps with your process.


The idea is to die young as late as possible

Hi Trina -

I really enjoy doing power yoga along with my weight work and cardio. I do my sessions usually in the a.m. before going to work. I find that it centers me for the day. Physically, it helps my flexibility and really stretches me. It helps to prevent me from bulking up - my arms are much more defined and my balance and core has improved as well.

Right now I like Baron Baptiste dvds- so I alternate his dvds. He is chatty, but I find that he's talking me into the pose and helping me to stay present in action. I usually do Journey into Power 1 & 2 and Soul of Strength. Shiva Rea is another favorite.

I also enjoy Kundalini Yoga with Ana Brett and Ravi Singh. Energizing but very different!

Have Fun!!
Thanks for all of the great recommendations Janie and Edie:) . I just purchased Shiva's Yoga Shakti and it looks good and I have Yoga Dance Fusion (Gaiam)which I enjoyed doing. I was thinking of Yoga Zone's Power Yoga too. Edie, did you say that you do cardio, weights, and power yoga all in the a.m.? If so, how long is your work out and how often do you do this? Also, do you ever do yoga on days that you don't do weights. I'm trying to figure out my own routine with yoga.
Hi Trina -

I usually do 30-60 minutes of Power Yoga in the morning 3 days a week. I lift weights 3 days a week and do cardio 2 days a week. I do not do power yoga on the days I will be lifting weights.

Here's a sample rotation. Nothing here is ever set in stone, if I'm tired, I rest.

Sunday - Muscle Max, iballet 1 (except Barre work)
Monday a.m. - a Baron Baptiste Power Yoga dvd (45 min.)
Tuesday - Push Pull, Super Sets - it is a lighter workout day
Wednesday a.m. - half hour power yoga
Wednesday p.m. - cardio or step dvd or rest
Thursday - Heavy upper body at Gym and cardio if I rested on Wed. p.m.
Friday a.m. - 45 minute power yoga
Saturday - gentle yoga or yin yoga in the a.m.
Hubby may drag me to the gym on Sat. night - so maybe some iballet and/or itread

I try to keep my workouts to under one hour. Also, in the evenings I do some Pilates, Classical Stretch or Light Yoga or stretching to shake off the remnants of the day. This may only be 10-20 minutes, rarely longer.

Have fun with it! I have been doing more full body workouts instead of Split routines. I had gotten really muscular bulky after doing months of rotating Gym Styles and Slow & Heavy. I'm tiny, so it doesn't look too pretty in a dress. This current type of rotation has really leaned and defined my muscles. I'm trying to cut my weight work to just twice a week, but you know, I am still addicted to muscle, so it's hard mentally for me to do that. But I may try substituting my Tuesday workout with power yoga and/or cardio and then Thursday I might really be ready to lift heavy at the Gym.

And may I also add that before I do my yoga in the mornings, I also do some Qi Gong - that actually gives you energy to power your workouts.

Email me direct if you have any more questions. Enjoy! Edie
I'd say sure-like others say, just listen to your body. And modify if needed.
I'm doing P90x right now, and that incorp. yoga in it. I think its pretty tough too (I'm wasn't a regular to yoga before) and its LONG about 90 min.

Good Luck-

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