Power of a positive comment!


Hi all:

someone posted recently on a thoughtless remark she had suffered and that did not quite make her day, which spawned a whole string of reminiscences on similar remarks. On another forum, another posted talked about her Dad's advice for screening comments before they leave your mouth... so I thought I would share a wonderful moment with you that happened to me this weekend and the incredible difference positive comments can make...

My darling husband is a man of few words sometimes, rarely compliments me, doesn't hold my hand in public, not given to public demonstration of affection, often walks several yards behind me in case people think we are connected in some way (!!!!), and yet, when I came back from my endurance 2 hour powerwalk this Saturday, dripping with sweat, but euphoric from shaving 15 minutes off my time (!), he looked me up an down approvingly as he handed me my orange juice and said "you know, you could be in your twenties, you look great..."

I was already glowing (English ladies don't sweat!), so you can imagine, I carried right on glowing for the rest of the weekend! I am at least twice as old as the college students I teach and I am sure they all think I am out of the ark, so this completely made my day!

This is what Cathe and power walking can do for a person!! Forget the scales!!

Anyone else received a lovely comment / compliment recently? They should come in bottles, available by prescription....!

Hi Clare,

Congratulations! And great idea for a thread.

I have a darling husband too. I'm new to this fitness thing, having spent the majority of my first 43 years as a 60 lb. overweight couch potato. Finally sensible, moderate eating and exercise somehow clicked with me and I lost the weight and started adding some real nice muscle (Thanks Cathe!). So now this lady who would never before be seen in a sleeveless shirt is suddenly shopping for tank-tops to show off her shoulder and arm muscles. And when my DH heard that I was doing that, his comment to me was, "Well I think you should look for some halter tops too because your back is looking really good." Can you imagine a more perfect thing to say? Love it! --Karen
Hi Clare,
Your hubby sounds like a dear!
My positive comment came this very morning from of all sources, my 17 year old, who has seemed oblivious to my weight loss/fitness endeavors.
Before leaving for school this morning, we sat on the bed talking and she suddenly reached over and touched my shoulders, and remarked, "Wow Mom, you're not spongy anymore, that's real muscle! Way to go 'Donna Fonda!'"
Sounds silly, but that little comment had me beaming with pride and pumping out S&H triceps-biceps this morning with extra umph!
RE: So cool

This is such a cool thread. I love the Donna Fonda comment.
Although this is kind of a backwards compliment, I had to get weighed at the dr. last friday. The nurse put the scale at 130 and it just sat there like a stone. She looked perplexed and I moved it up to 160, where it belonged, and she very politely said, "Now that is amazing. You look much lighter than that."
RE: So cool

Clare, Donna & Karen, that is so neat! Doesn't it feel great when others notice our efforts.(Especially family) I've lost 25 lbs and still have about 40 to go, but the DH is definitely noticing.

Yesterday he & I were discussing my weight-loss goals and he told me about a man he works with whose wife told him she was going to lose some weight and he said to her "Go ahead, Honey, just remember who loved you when you were fat!" Isn't that a riot???

I've had 2 people in the last couple days tell me I sure didn't need to lose 40 more lbs. They are both overweight BTW. One said, aren't you going to look funny? I'm 5'9" and that will put my at about 160, no I definitely won't look funny (at least not any funnier than I do now.) ;-)

Let's keep those compliments coming!
RE: So cool

Hey ladies:

these were all such great comments! Don't they just make your day?!? They all made me smile.

keep 'em coming!

And now I am off to do a little exercise........and keep smilin'

Clare, please forgive this comment if it is too intrusive, but I wonder if you are living in the Chicago area? I met an English Clare at a party at Webster's Wine Bar a few weeks ago and I wonder if it was you.

If you wish to remain anonymous (whether or not you live in Chicago) I completely understand.
What a wonderful thread!

My husband, who is one of the most exuberantly affectionate people I've ever known, usually doesn't give more than generalized cheerleading for my workouts and strength gains, and usually only after I fish for compliments.

However, one late afternoon a few weeks after I'd graduated from knee push-ups to off-the-toes push-ups, he watched as I ground my way, more and more slowly, through push-ups #25-#30. As I wobbled my way up to #30, I heard him say behind me,

"I'm proud of you, Dolly."

That made my summer.

It is truly amazing what a simple phrase--positive or negative--can do to someone's psyche! My husband is also a man of few words. Compliments are few and far between (except when it comes to my brain power). One day I was standing at the cash register at a cafe waiting to pay the tab for our breakfast. I was wearing just shorts and a T-shirt--nothing particularly revealing or sexy mind you! When I got back to the table, he knocked me off my feet when he said "You really look good!". I could not wipe the grin off of my face all day!!! I guess it is better to hear a comment like that once in a blue moon rather than on a regular basis--that way you KNOW that he means it!
Forgive me, this is OTT, but I can't help it..
WOW Annette...you can do 25-30 on the toes push-ups??!!! If you don't mind me asking, how long did it take you to get there from doing pushups on your knees. Doesn't seem like I will ever be able to do that many!!! Please tell....Janice
RE: To Janice re push-ups

Hey, Janice! Thanks for your kind words! Actually, I am able now, some two years later, to do drop sets of push-ups off the toes with my toes on either a 6" or 8" platform; my standard drop-set sequence these days is:

40-45 first set (6" platform)
20 second set (8" platform)
15 third set (6" platform)
10 fourth set (8" platform)
10 fifth set (6" platform)

Then I do pec flyes and barbell bench presses, and then a 6th set of 20 push-ups off an 8" platform.

I try to vary the width of my hands with each set, going wider and wider, so that the pecs are increasingly recruited.

YOU CAN DO IT. And push-ups are worth the effort, not just for the pec / anterior delt / triceps training, but also for core stability work and the isometric work your leg muscles get. Start slow, do as many as you can off the toes; it's okay if you can only do a couple at first. Just try to do a little bit more each week, and try to do training sets at least twice a week. You'll be amazed at your progress!

Hi Cheryl:

fraid I'm not that English Clare!!! But I have no burning psychic need to remain anonymous either so I will tell you that I am in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Anyone I know living in my neighbourhood?

I have been to Chicago once, in February, and it nearly froze my buns off down there at the kids' museum by the lake shore!!! I've only ever been to one colder place on earth than that: Whistler in January!!! But I am gradually coming to see the positive side to living in Michigan, we have four seasons (though Spring is still shorter than in my native London) and not too many days over 90 F in Summer.

Sorry I am not in Chicago, but I hope you get to meet up with your friend again!

Clare (the other English girl)
Clare this is a super idea for a thread! You all sound like you have the sweetest hubbies ever. ;-)

I'm not married but my boyfriend is the sweetest most affectionate guy I've ever known. He will watch my Cathe videos with me when a new one arrives and I need to watch it once before trying so he knows all about my Cathe addiction. Of course he lets me ramble on about various workouts... what's hard, what's not, what progress I'm making etc. He also is amazed by Cathe's muscular physique. One day I was in the bathroom in a t-shirt and undies putting lotion on my legs. I had a foot up on the sink and my hard earned thigh muscle was showing nicely. He said "Look! You're getting Cathe legs!" That absolutely made my day.
I've lost 25 lbs. since last Oct. and have shaped up significantly. He is so proud of me that he constantly reminds me that I look like I'm in my early to mid-20's not mid-30's! (I'm 36.) I agree on the positive comments!

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