Power Hour Thoughts


Active Member
I am just getting back into working out after a long time off (well, I tried off and on for the past few years, but never ever committed to anything). I need to lose weight (approx. 60 lbs.) and was thinking once I got myself acclamated to working out this week doing other workouts, that I would do some sort of a rotation where I do Power Hour one day a week, and MIS one day a week, and cardio 5-6 times per week. I read a review over at videofitness that you can adjust the program to work for you from beginner to advanced. I reviewed Power Hour this morning, and it does look feasible to do so. BUT I would love to hear from you seasoned Power Hour fans if you think this is a good tape to use to get toned and add to a weightloss program. I feel almost desperate here, and would love any advice and information. I don't want yet another year to pass me by where I just feel drained all the time, can't seem to find a "real" date because "I'm a nice girl, pretty face, but overweight", and just plain old do more stuff with my daughter. I want to feel good about myself and my body again. I don't want to feel that I have to "hide" or be afraid of summer coming. I used to love summer, but I almost dread it anymore. I know this is way too much information for everybody, but I just want this to be my year to improve myself.


Hi Kat,
I definitely think Power Hour can be modified to your fitness level and you can work your way up. It would be a great workout for your goals. Your rotation sounds great, my only advice would be not to do too much too soon! I would definitely suggest easing into that schedule. I think Cathe recently said that a good weight-loss rotation would include 4-6 cardio days/week plus 2 total body (hitting each body part two times). For the cardio, she recommended 2-3 high intensity and 2-3 low intensity.
Good luck!!
Hi Kat,
I can tell you from experience that yes, PowerHour will deliver what you're looking for if you do it consistently and remember to increase your weight when your current weight becomes too easy.
Your idea of a rotation that combines both MIS and PowerHour is one that I've done several times and found successful. I did a rotation of MIS/PowerHour that "blasted" fat off me at the rate of about 2-3lbs/week (I know many think that's too much too fast, but when you are significantly overweight, only we that are know that that is the type of progress that keeps us motivated and working hard towards our goal!)
I'll share with you the rotation I used:

M-step cardio/PowerHour
T-kickbox cardio (60 min.)
W-hi~lo cardio/MIS
T-step cardio (60 min./high intensity)
F-kickbox cardio (30-60 min.)

M-cardio w/intervals(IMAX will blast the fat into another time zone!)
W-kickbox cardio (60 min.)
T-step cardio/PowerHour
F-hi~lo cardio (60 min./high intensity)
S-step cardio/MIS

I did this for 6-weeks, flip flopping the weeks and really burned off some weight. I found that by doing 3 total body workouts/week, I really firmed/tightened up as I lost considerable pounds over the 6-week period.

*I only did it for 6 weeks because I've learned that for my body, 6 weeks is the maximum time I can do any rotation before my body gets use to it and slows down making any progress, but you may be able to do it for longer. As Cathe says, "do it as long as you can get positive results from it!"
Good luck, and if I can assist you in any way, please let me know! :)
Hi Donna!! WOW!!!! That sounds like a gruuuueeellllling workout, but definitely worth a try in about a month. I tell you, I'm so sadly out of shape it isn't funny. I did Firm Strength yesterday (my first workout in quite awhile) and my quads and tris are sooooooooo sore today. I tried doing the Wedding tape today, and my legs were so heavy that I only did it for 20-25 minutes tops. I was planning to do Firm Cardio tomorrow, but I think I will try a floor aerobics tape tomorrow and do Firm Cardio on Tuesday instead. I'm hoping after a couple of weeks I will be acclamated to working out and can do some sort of rotation like you gave to me. I'm scard of IMAX, so you may be hearing from me for moral support once I decide to encounter that one!!! :)

I know what you mean about the 2-3 lbs. a week being motivational. I've never been a "fast loser" so they say anyhow, and when I do put effort towards a healthy lifestyle and the results are slow, I tend to backoff. I've tried the self talk this time around telling myself to NOT weigh myself at all for a month, and to give it 30 days, then from there I can hopefully start feeling better mentally, physically, and hopefully SOME sort of change in my clothing so that if the scales don't read a loss I will know that I'm doing the right thing anyhow.

Again, thanks for responding and posting that rotation. It does sound like a keeper. Oh yeah, just one more question.......I'm also thinking that since I'm a pear that I may need additional floorwork. Do you think with your rotation that will not be necessary?

Thanks again.

Hi Kat,

I actually do additional floorwork, but I didn't include it in the rotation because not everyone believes in working their lower body as often. But I have seen wonderful results from it.
I just choose any 2 of the non-weight days to add in an additional 15-30 min. lower body non-weighted workout after my cardio. It doesn't have to be long, 15-30 min is all I usually do, and my legs, hips and buttocks have really firmed up and taken on a nice shape.
Be gentle with yourself, and remember, you're not competing with anyone! Set small attainable goals, and when you reach each goal, set the next! And use this forum to keep you motivated, it works! These guys have kept me going more times than I can count!
Please let me know if you need any more info, an ear to listen, whatever! It's hard work losing weight, but it can be done, inch by inch, pound by pound. And oh yeah, check out the weight loss check in, it too is very motivational and you feel like you're accomplishing your weight loss goals with a circle of friends and not all alone. And even when you have a bad week, chances are, you're not alone there either! :)
Hi Katrid:

I do MIS once a week and Power Hour once a week. I am a cardio fan, but after just one month of these two weight training vids, I can see, feel and enjoy the difference it has made to my fitness level, my energy, my endurance, my definition. I hadn't seen my abs since my second pregnancy 5 years ago, and look! Here they come!

You can definitely introduce these videos now, even if you don't lift anything like the weight Cathe does. I am now up to 20 pounds on leg exercises, up from 16 and I aim to be up at 30 within another month or two. Why not? It works. The exercise remains the same and delivers benefit to you at whatever level you are at currently, and as you get stronger, you grow with the video, or vice versa. Form is what matters in the beginning anyway and you can definitely practice good form even with 5 or 8 pound weights.

Some of the ladies on this forum advised me just one month ago to include more weight training as it would help my cardio training: boy were they right!!! I thank them so much for this advice, as I had never been able to complete Interval max before, and now I can! yeah!

So, bottom line: do Power Hour now. Why wait? Enjoy those lower ends on lunges!!!

You guys are wonderful! Thank you so much for your words of wisdom and encouragement. It's good to know that I'm not alone, and that people have the same struggles that I do. I can bet you will DEFINITELY be hearing from me alot more now!! :)

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