Power Hour Shoulder Routine


I just did Power Hour again today and I vote for the Power Hour shoulder routine as simply the Most Fun Shoulder Segment of any Cathe workout. What's on your Most Fun segment list(for any muscle group)?
If it would be one favorite segment I would say I like the terminator thrust climbers then the speed skaters firewalkers and bunny hop squats (ya know where you hop over the board feet on either side of it while squatting and holding your hands then you would end them in the plyo jacks. I can't remember which one it is in) Seperately I could do them all day long.

"Double Knot your laces and let's move on"
-Cathe Friedrich
Fun thread, lady!

Only going by DVDs that work more than one body part (as I love B&G and PLB for legs), here are my favorites:

Legs: Muscle Endurance
Chest: Muscle Max
Triceps: High Step Training Advanced and Low Intensity Circuit (tie)
Back: Pure Strength Back, Biceps and Abs
Shoulders: Body Max
Biceps: Body Max 2
Abs: Cardio and Weights
My favorite shoulder workout is, by far, from 4DS LIS. Love, love, love it--oh it burns so good! :D }(

PUB works my Bi's so well--nothing gives me bicep DOMS like that w/o. (Oh, wait, LIC has a great bicep section too...hmmm.....)

I love PLB floor work--gets the inner thighs almost as well as GS Legs low pulse plie squats!

That's all I can think of for now..... :)


I was referring to the most FUN segment. Do you REALLY find ME legs to be FUN or just effective? To me, ME legs is pure torture. :eek:
I am with you Nancy, ME legs IS torture. Granted, it is an effective leg workout, but I just KNOW that they do Leg Presses in Hell}(

Hi Nancy-

I agree with you on the shoulder routine from PH. It is alot of fun and has quite a bit of variety.

I also like the shoulder routine from Pure Strength and I also like the Tricep routine from GS. ( That one fries me, though.)

I second your thoughts on "fun" leg routines... esp. endurance based leg workouts.. I haven't found the joy in an enduring burn! ;0

Lynn M.
Wow..this is a bit hard. I love the bicep and shoulder section in GS. I also like the shoulder section in 4DS and the bicep section in PUB. For chest it would be 4DS because I can go very heavy.

I hate working legs so I have no favorite. It's always pure torture for me. x(

I work triceps but don't have any favorite. As you can tell my favorite body parts to work are biceps and shoulders. :D
I was going by fun. If I went by torture, it would look like this:

Legs: Muscle Max (for some reason, the squats followed directly by the lunges gets me every time)
Chest: LIC or Body Max (or those $%&* pushups from Body Blast Timesaver!!!!!)
Shoulders: MIS
Back: Muscle Endurance (my forearms burn during all those rows!!)
Triceps: HSTA or LIC (tie)
Biceps: PUB
Abs: Muscle Max
Ooh fun thread..

Legs: most fun? Seriously?}( There isn't one, but I do enjoy the 4DS leg workout alot-even the leg presses aren't that bad cause the workout is so short and effective.

Chest: Chest workouts bore me to tears-I have very large ta-ta's so have always felt working chest to be pointless, although I do understand chest exercises work other muscle groups too. Probably the chest section in ME, I like the ball squeezes.

Triceps: Gotta go with gym styles

Biceps: hate all bicep workouts, wish the muscle did not exist

Back: Again, the 4DS Back workout, Cathe includes the supermans for the lower back which can get neglected in alot of other workouts.

Shoulders: CTX shoulders or the 4DS shoulder workout

Calves: Legs and Glutes workout-the calf part of it!

Glutes: PLB for the floorwork-killer and fun

Abs: Kick, Punch and Crunch or Muscle Max

Overall, I think that the 4DS weight workouts are Cathe's best. I love to hit a muscle hard and intense, and then move on with my day! The gym style workouts are great, but the leg one seems to go on forever which tries my patience a bit.:D
tneah~ I am seriously lacking in the "ta-ta" department and chest workout still bores me to tears. Today, I did GS chest and it seemed like time stood still. I have to psych myself into chest work. For me, it's a drudge.

Oh I know! My sympathies to you.

I always think of chest as my "easy" workout because its the only bodypart I don't push really hard on. I am afraid for some silly reason I am going mess up my implants or something-yeah, my ta-ta's are "store-bought"}( Just never understood the chest workout thing, while the boys love working their chests don't they?:)
Oh yes, most boys love their pectoralis' to be major! As far as your "store-bought" ta-ta's, more power to you, girlfriend. I'm from California, the land of the Ta-Ta ;-)

Its not fun BUT I love doing the biceps in PUB. Cathe starts laughing and the girls in the background are groaning and moaning and laughing. It pumps me up to complete the sets. I love it. I feel like part of the "gang" Its good fun!

I like the MM, particularly shoulders and bi's. I find the MM and ME ab's to be fun, I rarely do any other ab routines.
I find the PUB to be very useful when Im totally not in the mood or don't have a lot of time for a workout.. but just enough strength to actually make myself do it :).. I can also do it fast and efficiently if Im away from home and try to hit the gym.
I enjoy the 4DS kickbox and actually look forward to that hsoulder workout as well.
TS and PLB floor work is fun
I like the firewalkers in B&G, like the music in that section too!
I like the bicep section in GS even though I don't do it "as is" I don't do a lot of isolation work for bi's but with GS bi's I fell like I get a different workout everytime because I pick and choose something different each time.:D
I dont work the chest as often as I should but when I do I go heavy and I do pushups regularly and I can make my chest muscles jump like the guys do. Its funny, I showed my husband ,look I can make my chest muscles jump or twitch whatever you call it. now I just wish they would pull my ta ta's up more making them more perky.
I love any segment that has firewalkers in them! I love those! Even though it burns I always want to pause the DVD and keep doing them!!!!!

Today I did Kick, Punch & Crunch for some cardio and I have to say that the second punching and kicking combo is my all time favorite part of ANY cardio routine I've done with Cathe. I love that! I feel like I could do it for hours!!!

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