Power Hour Plus DVD


If you have this, is yours somewhat blurry? I have an authentic copy according to the words inscribed in inner ring of DVD, but it seems a bit fuzzy - just curious if those that have it have the same issue. TIA!


Mine is just fine, perhaps trying it on another DVD player will help.


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
I don't have any problems with mine but I've had it a long time. I agree with Janie, try it on another player.

PH is clear, but the other two workouts don't have quite as sharp a picture. I assume this is because they weren't originally intended to be on DVD (while PH was). Same thing with the Rythmic Step DVD (Rythmic Step is sharp, the other two workouts are a bit less so).

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