Fire in the Thighs!
Funny you ask this question, as I just did Power Hour last night. I've been alternating splits (like PS and Slow & Heavy) for a few weeks and decided this week to try some total body workouts. I actually forgot what a great workout Power Hour is! I tried to match Cathe's weights during the exercises, and I felt a serious burn on each muscle. The two leg sections (squats and lunges) are so tough. Towards the end, Cathe says she feels "fire in the thighs" but I had already been feeling that since the beginning of the song!
Enjoy this workout. For me, it went very fast, and I loved changing from slow & heavy-type lifting to pure endurance. I really felt my muscles working. And I actually couldn't believe Cathe was only using a 15 lb barbell for biceps, until I got into the song and my muscles were screaming at me!
Have a great day!