Power Hour is fun!


I've done Power Hour again today but I lowered my barbell weight a lot. Now I can actually enjoy the workout, love the music.

I had been using 40 lbs (my legs and back can take it easily) but that kept my heartrate up waaaay to high. I used only misely 26 lbs today so I wouldn't have to change plates during the workout (I know, I am lazy) and my heartrate was really good.
I got this one today and was previewing it. Tried the squat and plie section with a 20 lb barbell. Now I know why people keep talking about it. Is it fun? Must try doing it tomorrow! I was worried about the speed being similar to Body Pump but was very glad to see it wasn't as fast and seemed pretty safe. Cathe looks fantastic in this one. Makes me want to lose a hundred pounds!
How much weight are we supposed to be using for this thing? Cathe uses 40??? I was down to a 25 for legs and that lunge sequence really burns! I like the squats and lunges and biceps sections but it's true you wouldn't really build muscles or cuts from this one huh? It is purely endurance. It's hard getting into total body routines after split training...I MUST get PS!!!
I actually use 55 lbs for PS. My legs probably could take a lot more but my shoulders can't.

Because of the heavy weight I was using in other tapes I was very hesitant to go lower. Now, I am glad I did.

This is the perfect muscle confusion. One day I do Firm's Lower Body Split with 50 lbs, then Power Hour with 26 lbs. My muscles won't know how to react......
To R Lam:

I just had to jump in here to comment about something you said regarding the Power Hour tape. You mentioned that because it is purely endurance you would not really build muscles or cuts from this one.

I realize we are all different and all of us repond to various exercises in our own unique ways. That is, what works for one may not work for someone else. That being said, I would like to share with you my own experience with Power Hour.

During the spring I was using a Pure Strength, Max Intensity Strength and CTX rotation and getting fabulous results. You can do a search under "tank top arms rotation" in these forums of you want more details. Basically, I decided that to build muscle and get cuts I would work the following body parts two times a week: Legs, Chest, Back and work the following body parts three times a week: Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps. I would do all the Pure Strength upper body on one day, skip a day, do MIS, skip a day or two and then do shoulders, biceps and triceps from the CTX series in one day. I would add in either Pure Strength legs or CTX Lean Legs for my second leg workout each week.

After 12 weeks of this I changed to a Slow and Heavy rotation for four weeks.

When it was over I decided I was getting bored with MIS and needed a change. There is absolutely nothing wrong with MIS, mind you, but I was just tired of it. A good indication of this was that when it was my day to do MIS, I found it hard to get started and it was easy to make excuses to avoid it.

I decided to plug in Power Hour instead of MIS for a full body workout.


I have been on this particular rotation for 8 weeks now. I was cut and muscular before but as a result of doing Power Hour once a week I have gotten even more cut. I have not added any bulk (I don't need any more muscle size so this is good) but Power Hour has given me much sharper definition in the arms, chest and back. People I don't even know ask me where I work out when I am out and about. This never happened before.

Now, I don't know what kind of results one would have just doing Power Hour once or twice a week by itself. But don't count it out for definition if you include it with other things.

I have read that muscle definition is created by using lighter weights, more reps. Muscle size is the result of performing less reps, heavier weights. This has certainly been my personal experience. Power Hour's endurance routines have done great things for me.

Can you all tell by this point that I have become a Power Hour advocate?

WOW...OK maybe it would be worth trying then! After all, someone actually doing it and getting the cuts is definite motivation!
Question for Marlene123

During your slow and heavy rotation, what was your workout schedule? Did you do it 1x a week each section for 4 weeks or 2x a week? Just curious!
RE: Question for Marlene123

Here is a sample of a typical week for me in a Slow and Heavy rotation:

Day 1: cardio
Day 2: S&H Chest/Back/abs (cardio too if I felt up to it)
Day 3: S&H Legs/abs
Day 4: cardio/abs
Day 5: S&H Shoulders, Triceps, Biceps/abs
Day 6: cardio or rest if I did cardio on Day 2
Day 7: MIS

Because of the intensity of Slow and Heavy I did not want to do more than two training days per week per body part. I like to attach the shoulders to the day I do triceps and biceps rather than during the leg training day. That would give me a 48 rest from the chest/back workout before I asked my arms to do more.

RE: Question for Marlene123

Thanks for the info! I usually do Slow & Heavy 1x each and then put in a power hour. Might have to try MIS. This week is bad for me, though - I'm testing for my black belt (2nd test of 3) so I'm trying to concentrate on that but squeeze in S&H, so I did Legs/Shoulders on Sunday, Bi's & Tri's on Monday and will do Chest/Back Wed. w/P. Hour (or MIS!) on Friday. Testing is Thursday and class is on Tuesday, so I need my legs fresh and need to be rested today/Thursday.

I just love your rotation ideas. I was seeing great results with tank top arms but had to change to something else for (1) variety and (2) testing. I often have to adjust for taekwondo. We usually test every 8 weeks, so there's at least 1 in 8 weeks that I have to either cut back (esp. legs) or shift the schedule. It's embarassing to have worked out really hard in the morning with weights and then struggle in class with kicks and such. Sometimes I put in pilates or other stretching exercises on class days to help limber up. This morning it was just a few extra zzzz's.

Thanks again! :)
RE: Question for Marlene123

I love the idea that you are really cut with this rotation. I am new to rotations and was wondering if you could give me any ideas. I currently have cathe's S&H series and power hour. I can no longer do high impact aerobics due to a back problem. What would you suggest I substitute for cardio (looking at your rotation) and should I purchase the PS series or MIS. I really want to look cut and REALLY firm my abs(after 2 babies I really need help). I appreciate all your help.
RE: Marlene's answer

Sorry it took me so long to respond to your question. I have not been on the computer since last week and when I logged in tonight I saw your post for the first time.

As far as cardio goes, you might want to consider Cathe's kickbox tape. It only has a bit of high impact, which you can simply not do or modify it to what you can do. But most of the workout is low impact, high sweat. You can get a shorter kickbox by purchasing the one CTX tape that has it. If kickbox would hurt your back, and stepping is not good for you (have you tried stepping on a four inch platform and modifying any moves you can't do?) this is what I suggest:

Go to videofitness.com.

They review most of the aerobic and strength tapes available.

Click on the aerobic section and it is broken down into several categories. Perhaps you will find one or two do-able after you read the reviews of the tapes that interest you.

You asked if you should purchase the Pure Strength series or MIS. I must break this to you as gently as possible: Yes. Both. Nor "or" but "and". Pure Strengh is the cornerstone of my strength training and it has truly helped me to achieve results I would not have dared to dream about. Put it this way: If someone were to break into my house and steal it from me, I would buy it again, even if, for some ludicrous reason, the price goes to $500. (Cathe...don't go getting any ideas.)

As you already have Slow and Heavy, that's a good start. But remember that this program was designed to be used in smaller rotations of say, three weeks, to shock your muscles into new development.

If you want cuts and definition, try the tank top arms rotation. For your full body workout day, use either MIS or Power Hour. Alternating them every week or two would be good.

I hope this answers your concerns. If not, please post again here. I will try to get on the computer a bit more often so you won't have to wait so long.

RE: Marlene's answer

Marlene! Your words are like gold!!! I feel the same way as you about Pure Strength.

Leggs- another idea for you- go to Videofitness and do a search on "rebounding"...
RE: Marlene's answer


I have been following this thread with interest and want to as you something if I may.

You give a great rotation for use of S and H and suggest using this for three weeks to "jolt" the system

So, what would your workout week look like after this S & H rotation? Do you follow it with another/different three week rotation? What would that look like for example? And you talk about PS series above: how would you incorporate it into successive rotations? Do you regard PS as muscle building or endurance?

Thank you for your time and great ideas

RE: Marlene's answer


I have been following this thread with interest and want to as you something if I may.

You give a great rotation for use of S and H and suggest using this for three weeks to "jolt" the system

So, what would your workout week look like after this S & H rotation? Do you follow it with another/different three week rotation? What would that look like for example? And you talk about PS series above: how would you incorporate it into successive rotations? Do you regard PS as muscle building or endurance?

Thank you for your time and great ideas

RE: Marlene to Clare

Okay. Here goes.

I believe Pure Strength is mostly a muscle building tape, that is, heavier weights are used (as opposed to Power Hour or CTX stuff, for example). However, most routines incorporate both aspects. It is a question of which is most dominant. To me, Pure Strength feels like a muscle building tape and then an endurance one. On the other hand, Slow and Heavy is certainly a muscle building routine -- heavy heavy weight, less reps.

After about 3 - 4 weeks of the above posted Slow and Heavy rotation I switch to Pure Strength/some CTX and either Mis or Power Hour, my current fixation. I stay on the PS rotation for 12 weeks.

Here is what a typical week would look like:

Monday: Pure Strength chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps and abs, in that order, in one complete session.

Tuesday: CTX Leaner Legs or Pure Strength legs, abs.

Wednesday: CTX, the following segments, in this order: shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs.

Thursday: Cardio

Friday: MIS or Power Hour or Body Max. I think it would be a great idea to use each one of these in a twelve week rotation which would provide 4 workouts per video. I believe that will keep your poor muscles in a state of total confusion. This is good.

Saturday: cardio

Sunday: cardio or rest.

Since I am concentrating mostly on upper body development you will notice that I only do legs two times a week in a weight training video. Cardio work for legs is extra.

Of particular importance to me is more definition for shoulders, biceps and triceps. I work these parts three times a week. I am satisfied with my chest and back development so two times per week for these parts suffices.

How you use the above depends on what your particular goals are. If your goals are like mine, then try it for a few months and see where it takes you.

If you have different goals you may want to modify to suit your needs.

Hope this makes sense.

RE: Marlene to Clare

Interesting, Marlene! About how long does it take to do the PS upper body all in one session? Do you add in abs anywhere in there? TIA
[font color=green]BETSY[/font]
RE: Marlene to Clare


thank you for sharing these training ideas with me. It will be most useful.

Like you, it is the upper body strength I am looking for most as I am a bit of a stick arm weakling with race horse legs!!!

Thanks again


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