Power Hour DVD


I ordered this dvd and should be getting it in my hot litttle hands today! It sounds great! What do you all think of it? What are the premixes like? Which work out should I try first? }( }( }(


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05
Hi Wendy,

It's me again. I have this, but only in VHR. It's one of my favorites and is often on my rotation. Am beginning to wish I'd gotten all of my things in DVD instead of VHR -- if only for the premixes. Oh, well...:+
Hi Wendy! I haven't bought this but have done what is on FitTV. I love it! I really want to buy it, too. I'm all about the total body workouts, especially b/c I don't have the time to split it up into every single day. Are you getting ready for your little one??? Is it your first? My son is our first and he just turned 1. It's amazing, but a whirlwind no doubt!

Oh good. I'm glad to hear that you ladies both like this DVD! I can't wait to try it! I'll probably start with a premix from each and work my way up from there. :)

Debbie-Yes, this is my first and I am ready...I THINK! LOL I guess I am as ready as I'll ever be! I have a bunch of stuff to do that I am saving for when I go out on maternity leave so I can keep busy before the little guy comes, but mentally and physically, I am ready for him to "pop"! :+ I can't wait!!!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05
Hi Wendy and Debbie. The Power Hour, MIS and Body Max dvd is great. There are not premixes in the dvd but there are three workouts inside it.PH is a great endurance weight workout very similar to a body pump class. Cathe uses a song to work each part of the body.BodyMax's first section is a fast step/cardio workout. The second section includes a circuit of high powered step and leg weights. The third section includes upper body. MIS a great workout too.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
I just got this one, I have PH on VHS but wanted the others as well. I think my favorite is probably bodymax, talk about an overall muscle blast! Great workout. MIS is very good also, moves alot slower, but very effective. This one is must have, a huge bang for the buck!
Hi Wendy! This is a terrific dvd; worth every penny! But you will likely get very little use out of it right now, unless you modify the weight work like crazy.

Power Hour is essentially the twin sister of Muscle Endurance. It's a greeeeeat endurance workout. The bicep section is almost identical to ME. The shoulder section is just terrific, and I love the way she ends it "Bam!" on the beat. It's great. You might get the most use out of this workout at this point.

BodyMax cardio is *intense*. It's got one of my favourite warm ups, but then at the start of the actual cardio, she shoots you out of a cannon, the bpm is very fast, and there is no break until the end of the section. The leg circuits contain lots of cardio blasts; the upper body weight section is quite intense, and Cathe never pauses to rest (barely). BM is a superb, advanced workout that will help you get rid of any post-partum extra baby weight, but personally I think it's too intense for this stage of pregnancy.

MIS is a solid, effective weight workout, but designed for heavy weight training. You could probably do it just fine with lighter weights, but I just wonder if there's any point? You have a lot of other total body weight workouts that have a higher fun factor.

I think you've made a great purchase! I have fond memories of PH! It will be one of the first I pick up again, once I've got the medical okay.

Thanks so much everyone!:)

I guess I will give Power Hour a try since I still do ME....the other 2 I will save for later!

Glad to hear that everyone so far loves this dvd though. Out of the Cathe that I don't have (yet! lol)...this one caught my eye...mostly because of Body Max. It sounds nothing like any other Cathe I have!

Have a good night!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05
I think this Dvd should be in everyone's collection. This was my first Cathe and it was exactly the type of workout I was craving in a home workout. And then I got Bootcamp and have been hooked ever since! :) :p :)

Your money has been wisely spent, trust me.:D

I just did PH on Sunday after two days off and the whole week before doing the CTX series. I used the CTX series as a recovery week after getting over an illness. By Sunday I thought I should be back to 100% strength.

It kicked me in the butt. I really felt it the next two days. It was awesome, and only an hour (hence the name-duh).

You'll love it.
I just did Power Hour yesterday. You won't be disappointed. I hardly do the Body Max workout only because it's just too long and I don't have 1 1/2 hours to devote to working out. I've done it once and I really like the step. I haven't done MIS in a while, however I don't regret buying this dvd.
I enjoy all three of the workouts that are on this DVD. Definitely a keeper, and a good deal! It was an early DVD release (the first new workouts to go to DVD), and the chaptering is very minimal compared to later workouts, especially on the last workout (circuit workout) where it would have been nice to have some more chapter points.

PH always gets me when I do it. I have a much tougher time with endurance workouts than I do with strength workouts, and sometimes feel wimpier doing them than doing something like S&H and being abot to lift more than Cathe.

One warning: pay attention to the weights Cathe uses. The first time I did PH, I was all set to use a heavier weight for biceps, until Cathe said she was using 20#. I immediately went down in weight, and was glad I did, since I only got in half the reps without a rest at my lower weight!

Power Hour is awesome! Still one of my favorites. I suppose you aren't going to be taking it easy at all, are you lol!
>Power Hour is awesome! Still one of my favorites. I suppose
>you aren't going to be taking it easy at all, are you lol!

Actually, I'm starting to wear down a bit as of late but I WOULD like to atleast ATTEMPT power hour before I deliver!}( }( }( Hopefully one day this week as a matter of fact!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05
I've been thinking of going to a 3 week endurance/fat loss rotation...3 to 4 days of cardio and 3 days of endurance weight work including PH on at least one of those days. Then maybe PUB/PLB and PH for three weeks with 3 to 4 days of cardio also. PH is a burner and a keeper for sure!
Since KPC is on backorder til ???, I was thinking about calling SNM and telling them to cancel KPC and just send me Power Hour. I had been considering CTX, too, but Power Hour seems more like "me". What do you think? Should I wait for KPC or tell SNM to cancel it and send Power Hour instead?


~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich

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