Hi Wendy! This is a terrific dvd; worth every penny! But you will likely get very little use out of it right now, unless you modify the weight work like crazy.
Power Hour is essentially the twin sister of Muscle Endurance. It's a greeeeeat endurance workout. The bicep section is almost identical to ME. The shoulder section is just terrific, and I love the way she ends it "Bam!" on the beat. It's great. You might get the most use out of this workout at this point.
BodyMax cardio is *intense*. It's got one of my favourite warm ups, but then at the start of the actual cardio, she shoots you out of a cannon, the bpm is very fast, and there is no break until the end of the section. The leg circuits contain lots of cardio blasts; the upper body weight section is quite intense, and Cathe never pauses to rest (barely). BM is a superb, advanced workout that will help you get rid of any post-partum extra baby weight, but personally I think it's too intense for this stage of pregnancy.
MIS is a solid, effective weight workout, but designed for heavy weight training. You could probably do it just fine with lighter weights, but I just wonder if there's any point? You have a lot of other total body weight workouts that have a higher fun factor.
I think you've made a great purchase! I have fond memories of PH! It will be one of the first I pick up again, once I've got the medical okay.