power hops

nancy sv

Active Member
I've been doing Cardio Kicks for a few months now, and I keep trying to do the power hops landing on my heels like you say we should. What is the reason for landing on the heels? I've tried and tried, but every time I land on my heels I feel it jarring all through my back and into my neck. I can do them landing on the ball of my foot and that doesn't bother me at all. Will that cause problems over time?
Hi Nancy! What I mean when I say "land on your heels" is that as you jump forward, shoot those legs out in front far enough so that when you are completely landed you look as though you are in a perfect squat position (with the weight in your heels). Then as you go to jump forward again, continue to roll forward onto the toes and push off the toes to jump forward again. Now, just as before, shoot those legs out and land heel first(and center your weight in that perfect squat position), before you roll through the toes to push off again. I'm really spreading out the process by typing it here but these movements happen very quickly. By landing heel, ball toe, as opposed to toe, ball, heel, your quads are able to contract and absorb the shock as opposed to your knees.

Hope this helps :)!
Thanks Cathe!! I can appreciate how hard it is to try to break such a quick move into itty bitty parts!!!

I've really tried to do exactly what you are saying - but as soon as I land on the heels I feel it jarring all the way up. Will I cause an injury landing on the balls of my feet over time? If so I will modify the move to something else.
Is it possible you are landing to far back on your heels? If this was the case I can see how you would feel this up your spine. You should be landing on the bottom of you heels not the back of your heels (did that make sense?). When I do a power hop I end up with a natural roll to the toes like Cathe explains. Try to land on your heel but try to lean your body forward a little as you land and this might help with the roll and to keep you from landing too far back on your heels. If this continues to be a problem and hurts your spine substitute the powerhop with something else. If it hurts don't do it!!!!

Dawn W

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