Power Bars


What's your fave Power Bar?
I'm looking for something that would fill me up, but is not too high in calories (say not more then around 200), and tastes good.

Also, I curently eat Zone bars, do they count as eating "clean"?
I like the Clif Luna bars for taste the best so far. I have tried quite a few of them and man are they gross. But I do like the Luna Bars. 180 calories....4.5 grams of fat, 10 grams of protein and 24 grams of carbs. It might be a bit high, but so what at least I actually like these.

I LOVE the EAS Myoplex Lite Peanut Caramel Crisp and Cinnamon Roll Crisp bars! The Peanut Caramel Crisp bar is a lot like the Luna bar but I think it is TONS better! Doesn't have that weird after taste. You can get them online at EAS or at GNC.

I also like the Apex Oatmeal RAisin and Choc Peanut Butter bar. I don't know where all you can get them though. I get mine at 24 Hr. Fitness as it is their own brand. I think you can shop there even if you don't belong to the club just in case you have one in your area. They are a nice change from some of the other bars.

Good luck!
Absolutely and without exception, Biochem Lo Carb Bars. They give you 21 g protein, 1 carb, 1g sugar, and 230 cals. Honey Almond is my preference. They do not use fake sugars, they are sweetened with Glycerine. They also give you copper 80%, zinc 70%, Vitamin E 70%, riboflavin 80%, Vit B6 70%, Folic Acid 80% (both wonderful for pregnancy) niacin 70%, Vit B12 80%, Biotin 70%, Phosphorus 20%, Vitamin D 70%, pantothenic acid 70% and Iodine 70%. The protein is Soy (but there is also some whey). I have to admit I don't care what they taste like as I don't eat for taste as much as for fuel, but I think they are good. Otherwise I agree with Mindi, I can't find another that is much more than a candy bar with a vitamin stuck in it, and I could do that to a snickers bar and call it healthy? :) :)
Hi Katia.

I'm currently on a Balance Bar kick. Lemom Meringue, Chocolate Peanut Butter, and Yogurt Honey Peanut are my current "thumbs up" choices. I've also tried Gen Soy's Chocolate Mint (never again) and EAS Lemon-something -- another "not" (too much strange "after taste".):-(

Although I definitely prefer "real" food, sometimes I just don't have the opportunity to fix a salad, sandwhich, etc., and these bars do come in handy. I usually add a yogurt, glass of milk, and a piece of fruit with it if its a true meal replacement -- or just have one for an afternoon snack if I'm wilting and need a little energy. Even though they are "lab food" creations, I think their candy-bar based favor and texture helps keep me from craving "the real thing".

I personally love the balance bars! They have just come out with some new flavors. The mint choclate is awesome, the honey yogurt is awesome, the caramel nut blast is awesome, actualy they are all very good!! Each one has 15g of protein, and I am not sure on the rest of the info. I do know that if I am running out the door, or if I am out, they come in very handy, and satisfy my sweet tooth!!!
These may be a little high in calories and fat but the new Detour bars have to be the best tasting on the market. A good description I've heard is "snickers on steroids." They contain 290 calories, 9 grams of fat, 21 grams of carb and a whopping 32 grams of protein. You absolutely must try one. You can buy them at GNC.
I use Doctor's CarbRite Diet Bars made by Universal Nutrition.
It is the only bar I found that is made without trans fats. They use no artificial sweetners, are sugar free, and have apprx. 2.5g of net impact carbs per bar, and are high in protein.
It comes in 6 flavors. I've tried the chocolate brownie, s'mores, chocolate peanut butter, and chocolate mint cookie. I liked them all but the chocolate brownie is my favorite.
I eat one before I exercise. It is the only food that does not give me heartburn when I exercise.
Hope this helps.
Hi, Katia! No, Zone bars do not count as eating "clean". Although they are a reasonable substitute if you don't have any "real" food around, you should keep in mind that they are highly processed and some of them (especially the chocolate coated ones) are basically candy bars with added vitamins and minerals. "Clean" eating refers to eating foods in as close to their original, natural state as possible. An apple is cleaner than a slice of apple pie; a grilled fish steak is cleaner than a McDonald's Filet-o-Fish; a bowl of oatmeal is cleaner than a bread made of oat flour. Organic food is "cleaner" because it contains fewer pesticides, preservatives and other additions to the original.
Just wondering, what is the point of bars? What is the matter with a piece of fruit or cheese or snadwich or something like that? They seem to me like overpriced candy bars.
I keep a few Atkins bars around for rare bad scrapes like waking up late and not having any more free lates this year at work or being completely outta food in the house and don't get paid until tomorrow those type things.

There are some lower fat Luna bars like the toasted nut and cranberry ones and the peanut butter and jelly ones. Stick to the flavors that have no coatings and they are very low fat.

As for power bars, peanut butter is by far the best flavor in my opinion.

I also like Myoplex light blueberry cobbler if you want to avoid too much sugar.

No, they're not clean eating, but that doesn't stop me from having them for lunch every day. They are so simple, fast and satisfying and I save money on lunch by ordering boxes of them at a time from places like drugstore.com. I can keep my desk drawer at work filled with them and never have to worry about refridgeration. I never get hungry at work anymore, because there's always time to eat a bar, or at least a bite of one between meetings and phone calls or whatever. In short, they improve and simplify life. To me, clean eating is for retired people. :)
Hi Katia! I found Strive bars from BioChem to be the best. There's no sugar in them at all. I just use them for convenience when I'm at work; just pack up another meal & eat it at my desk at 4 in the afternoon! You know what I mean? Also try the bars from EAS there awesome! Kathy:7

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