Postpartum Rotation?

I'm due to have my baby in about a month and a half. Now, I know you're supposed to take it easy for the 6 weeks after delivery, but what have some of you done as far as activity after having a baby? The only reason I'm more concerned with this pregnancy is because I've done a great job of working out and keeping my weight down, and also because I have to be in a wedding 3 weeks after I deliver! I want to look the best I can, but of course not at the expense of hurting myself! :) Do any of you have any suggestions for this? I'll probably post this on the pregnancy board as well.


Congratulations!!! I gave birth to my son in october. I remember being so anxious to get back to training but....I only did walking until my 6 week check-up. I also remember about my 3rd week after having my son I got this great energy boost, and I tried to do a little bit of training , but I was just not ready. You have excerised through out your pregancy, this will make your body snap back much faster. I hope everything goes well!!! take care
Hi, congrats on your future arrival! My baby is 3 mos. old now. I started using Cathe's tapes at 3 wks post pardom. I started back very slowly and by 6 weeks was working out regularly. At 3 wks, I was doing PUB/PLB, PP, part of Imax 2, KPC - but I wasn't really consistent until 6 wks postpartum. If you have been working out during your pregnancy, just take it easy after the baby is born, and you will look great. Those first few weeks, your body is so sensitive. Good luck!

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