postpartum/mommy check in


I figured I'd restart this. I don't feel like digging up my workout list but have been doing my new cathes. I did a few days of firms last week after recovering from a stomache bug. Both girls had it as well. Alexis is a true 3 year old, strongly voicing her opinion. Ashley at nearly 7 months, is a talker too, babbling all day. She is still sleeping through the night. She pretty much weaned herself and now has formula, baby food and yogurt. At her 6 month check up, she weighed in at 12 pounds and measured 24 inches. I bet Finn has her beat now for weight .

Now that Ashley is weaned, i lost another pound, putting me at my prepreggo weight. Still have a little bit of mommy belly but it is getting flatter.
that is great!! i am not at my pre preggo weight yet but i am working on it. i am keeping up with my workouts and have started focusing on clean eating. things are still crazy with my mom and this round of chemo is really taking its toll. on a lighter note andrew is also sleeping through the night and weighed 23 1/2 pounds , 28 1/2 inches long and has a 18 1/2 inch head, he is a moose!!!! morris i am so happy to read that finn is sleeping better and thinking about are amazing. keep us posted.
shopaholic, so glad you started this! and just what is alexis's opinions these days? i know finn has ashley beat for weight. my tiny little thing has certainly caught up - i bet he is closing in on 15 pounds.

mary, so glad to here from you. andrew sounds adorable - what does he like to eat?

i am at my prepreg weight but would love to lose 5 lbs. so hard though with my appetite still in overdrive. workouts are fine though, and i feel great that i am getting sleep, so i think i will not worry about it too much until finn starts eating some food - we still exclusively breast feed. do you guys think it will be easier or harder to lose once we stop nursing? i worry i will gain when i stop nursing because right now that burns so many calories.

linda, rachel, curly, are you out there?
Morris, when I weaned Alexis, I quickly dropped 5 pounds putting me thinner than I was prepreggo. I quickly lost a pound upon weaning Ashley. My body seems to hold onto some fat for nursing, but once kids wean, I lose weight.
Mary, glad to hear you are holding up ok, must be so hard. Wow, your little one is almost as big as my big one. At her 3 year check up, Alexis weighed in at 26 pounds.
I have been doing the new cardio fusion by cathe. I am working out more but not as much as I want to. I hope to try drill max tomorrow.

Katie is finally sleeping better. We have gotten a new acid reflux medicine and this seems to have done the trick.

The only problem now is she is getting a tooth! She is trying to keep up with her sister who had her first two teeth the day she turned six months. Katie will be six months on Dec 20th.

I still have 7 pounds to lose to get to pre-pregnancy. I haven't lost any in about 2 months due to stress eating. (The no sleep was really getting to me) I hope that now that I am getting some sleep I can watch what I eat. I am eating way too much after dinner.

Katie is doing great with solids. She loves food! She will eat anything you give her. We are giving her rice cereal and stage 1 baby foods. She eats 3 times a day. She was 13 pounds 24 1/2 inches at her last appt at 4 months. I am anxious to see what the 6 month appt will bring.

I have a client who has an 9 month old baby. She is 24 pounds and 30 inches! I can't believe how big she is!

We took Katie swimming for the first time. We went to the gym that my husband belongs to. They have a physical therapy pool you can take the babies in. It is very warm and has a ramp to walk down on to get it. She loved it!


Katie 6/20/06
Rachel, I am glad to hear that you are finally getting sleep! Cardio fusion will help you shed those final pounds. My dd#1 didn't get a tooth til she was 1 and Ashley is still toothless at 7 months.
Hi Everyone!

Well, my twins are already 6 weeks old!! I cannot believe it...they are growing up so fast and I am already sad about it!?!? I am so tired, but I am surviving all the feeds and diaper changes. Ha It's a great workout.

I have been working out whenever I can for about four weeks now. I have actually done some of the new videos! I swear working out during pregnancy REALLY helped me recover well. My c-section scar is a bit annoying, but hopefully it will start to fade and look better. I still have diastatis, so I can only do light ab work. I am not working out as much as I would like (about 3-4 days per week) but, I am either too tired or just cannot fit a good workout in...

Well, I hope everyone is doing well. Thinking of you guys!

(jack and izzy)

this is my first post, although i have been reading the message boards for a while.
i gave birth to my first baby, my darling joe, ten days ago, forceps delivery, with stitches. i worked out throughout the pregnancy and am just dying to get back to it. i've lost most of the baby weight, give or take about five or six pounds, but everything is a bit squashy and well, how can i say it, untoned. i'm starting to feel a bit better now and am contemplating working out. i did a bit of gentle yoga stretching yesterday and gentle ab work. i think i have separation and prefer to wait for things to settle down a bit before i really begin to work out. i'm contemplating going for a little walk today, getting things moving a bit.
i'd like to know how soon all of you got back to working out on a more full basis, and how on earth you got into a routine and found time to do anything except take care of baby...
this is a really great forum, and i'm looking forward to joining in, if you'll have me.

Tan, great job on the weight loss but of course your body is still saggy, you just gave birth 2 weeks ago!
Jenni, great to see you here. I am sure parenting twins will expedite the weight loss. I agree that exercise during pregnancy makes a huge diffference. Welcome to you both!
I think I jinxed myself posting that I was getting sleep! She is back to getting up every two hours! I think her acid reflux is getting worse again. We have an appt with a gastroentologist on Friday. Has anyone else had this experience? Not sure what to expect on this visit..


Katie 6/20/06
rachel, finn slept thru the night for about a week a month ago then went back to the 3hr schedule for a few days, then back to just once at night, now all night sleeping thru again. no real rhyme or reason that i can tell. perhaps katie just had a rough day or growing pains and things will settle back in. i know how hard it is though to get a good nights rest finally and then go back to getting up so frequently. good luck at the doctors.
The doctor did tell me that they do go through a 6 month growth spurt.

Our doctors visit was good in that she has a mild case of acid reflux and we are doing everything right to help her with it. The bad news is we will have to deal with the situation the way it is until she outgrows it (12 months)

I think some of her getting up is now habit and not discomfort. Not sure how we are going to teach her to put herself to sleep.


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